发表于 2005-2-3 05:21:15
ilrainyday 说得对,除非你的文件创建之后不删除,也不改大小,否则碎片从原理上难以避免。只是聪明的OS 可以大大减少碎片的产生而已。
debian 就有一个 package 叫做 defrag, 下面是他的说明:
fsck 并不会做这个工作。
ext2, minix and xiafs filesystem defragmenter
As a file system is used, data tends to become more and more
scattered across the disk, degrading performance. A disk
defragmenter simply re-organises the data on the disk, so that
individual files occupy a single sequential set of disk blocks,
and all the free space on the disk is collected together in a
single region. This generally means that reading a whole file
is faster, and disk accesses in general are more efficient. |