
热搜: shell linux mysql
楼主: 拒绝正版

让Apple Mac OS X运行在你的PC上!!!

发表于 2003-11-9 11:40:58 | 显示全部楼层



still waiting for root device


 楼主| 发表于 2003-11-9 12:39:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-11-9 12:46:19 | 显示全部楼层

AS WEB服务器。MAIL服务器   //E文不好啊
发表于 2003-11-10 09:11:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-11-10 10:41:43 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 拒绝正版 发表



发表于 2003-11-10 12:04:06 | 显示全部楼层
Installation Instructions for OpenDarwin/x86 (July 11, 2003)

Supported Hardware

        Only the PIIX4 IDE controllers have been found to work.
        Attached devices must be UDMA/33 compatible or better.
        Intel 8255x 10/100 ethernet controllers are supported.
           3Com 905cXXX based ethernet controllers are supported.
        You must have a VESA 2.0 compliant video card.  Almost all
        modern graphics cards are VESA 2.0 compliant.  However, emulators
        such as vmware do not have VESA 2.0 compliant emulated video cards.
Successfully tested hardware:
        All 440BX motherboards tested have worked with their internal
        IDE controllers.  
        IBM ThinkPad A21m (with onboard Intel ethernet)

See for a community-created
site with hardware that has been found to work.

Installation Instructions

To install OpenDarwin/x86, you must retrieve the installation CD image from  After getting the CD
image, you'll need to write that image to a CDROM.  The installation
image is a bootable El-Torito ISO disk image.

When preparing your system to install OpenDarwin/x86, it is a good idea
to disconnect all hard drives other than the target disk.  This is to
prevent the accidental destruction of data on the wrong disk.  

After getting the installation CD, and your machine prepared to install
OpenDarwin/x86, insert the installation CD into an IDE CDROM drive and turn
the machine on.  

When booting off the CDROM, the first screen you'll see is a bootloader
prompt.  You should not need to enter any flags to the bootloader, so
either press enter to continue, or wait 10 seconds and the boot process
will continue automatically.
After the boot process continues, you will see diagnostic output from
the kernel, and you will end up at an installation prompt.  The installation
prompt will list the devices it found to potentially install OpenDarwin/x86

The following devices are available for installation:
1. [ Vendor String ] /dev/disk0 [ size ]
2. [ Vendor String ] /dev/disk1 [ size ]
Which device would you like to install Darwin onto?

At this prompt enter the disk you wish to install OpenDarwin onto (the
number of the disk to install onto; 1 for /dev/disk0, 2 for /dev/disk1).  
You can also enter "shell" at this prompt and it will drop you into an
emergency shell.  

After entering the disk you wish to install OpenDarwin/x86 onto, the install
script will give you the following prompt:
1) Auto-partition the disk (Destroys all disk contents)
2) Manually partition the disk using fdisk

If your disk is already partitioned, you will get a third option:
3) Use existing partitions

The first option (Auto-partition) will destroy the contents of the disk,
and create 2 partitions.  A small partition for the booter, and the
rest of the disk will be the Apple UFS filesystem.  This is the
preferred option.
The second option (Manually partition) will run the OpenDarwin/x86 fdisk.
Use this only if you know which partition scheme you want.
This option can also destroy all contents of the selected disk.
If you choose this option, you must create at least 2 partitions.
The Apple Booter partition of at least 1MB in size, and of type 0xAB.
You must also create an Apple UFS partition of at least 800MB and of
type 0xA8.
The third option will let you install OpenDarwin/x86 onto an already
existing partition.  Make sure you already have the partitions from
option 2 set up.  The install script will ask you which partition you
want to use for your booter, and which you want to use for your root
partition.  All contents of the two selected partitions will be destroyed.

The install script will then install the booter onto the booter
partition, create a new filesystem on the root partition, and
unpack the OpenDarwin/x86 packages onto it.

When the install script is finished, it will give you the choice
of rebooting or spawning a shell.  Unless you have post-install
things you wish to do, you should reboot the system and remove
the install CD from the CDROM drive.

Once your machine has booted OpenDarwin, it waits for your first
login. Login as 'root', with an empty password. First thing to do
should be using 'passwd' to set the root password.

Known Issues

* IDE drives may not work on x86.  Try it, if it doesn't work, it's a
  known problem.

* Video cards must support VESA 2.0 framebuffer modes on x86.
  Try it, if your console looks weird, or doesn't appear, it's a
  known problem.
发表于 2003-11-10 12:05:12 | 显示全部楼层
OpenDarwin 6.6.2 Release Notes
July 11, 2003

OpenDarwin 6.6.2 is based on the Darwin 6.6 (which corresponds
to Mac OS X 10.2.6) source release. It includes additions and
modifications from the OpenDarwin CVS Repository.

Noteable changes to the OpenDarwin 6.6.1 release:

- ncutil, a network configuration tool for Darwin, has been added.
  Many thanks to Jeffrey T. Frey for this.
- yum, the Yellow dog Updater, Modified, has been added. yum provides
  the tools to resolve and install RPM dependencies
- RPM packages have been renamed from "foo" to ""
  to eliminate namespace collisions with third party RPMs such
  as those from DarwinPorts.

Using yum to install RPMS

yum, yellow dog updater modified, is a set of python scripts to manage
the installation and deinstallation of RPMS. yum is pre-configured to
access the OpenDarwin yum-archive. To view the current configuration
of yum, look at /etc/yum.conf. In order to function properly
yum needs to be run with root privileges, thus either invoke it as
users 'root' or run the yum command via 'sudo'.

# yum list

will list the available RPMS for the architecture it's running on,
including all available 'fat'-RPMS (which are dual-architecture).
Currently OpenDarwin has two yum-archives set up. The
'OpenDarwin'-archive holds the RPMS belonging to the base-installtion
of OpenDarwin. With this archive it's possible to uninstall certain
parts of the base system, while being able to install it again at any
given point later.  The 'DarwinPorts'-archive consists of rpm-packages
build from DarwinPorts to be used with OpenDarwin.

If yum is run for the first time, it will fetch the 'headers' from the
yum-archive. This might take a moment, depending on the speed of your
internet connectivity.

# yum install <RPM>

will install the given RPM. For example,

# yum install tin

will install the newsreader 'tin'.

# yum remove tin

will remove tin again. Further informations on yum can be found in yum(8).

Obtaining the Source Code

The complete source code is either available as the 'src'-module from
the OpenDarwin CVS repository or as source RPMs.
The CVS repository can be accessed via anonymous cvs or cvsup.

anonymous cvs

% cvs -d login
(hit enter at the password prompt, it's empty)

% cvs -d \
    co -r OD_RELEASE_6_6_2 src


The hostname of the cvsup server is ''. The
'src'-module is available as the 'src-all' collection.

source RPMs

The source rpms are avaible via http from:

They can also be fetched via rsync:

    rsync -av rsync:// .

Additional Informations

Comments and Questions can be directed to the ''
mailing list, to which one can subscribe to via the URL:

This is were the technical discussions regarding OpenDarwin take place.
There is a FAQ on OpenDarwin, available here:

Please use Bugzilla to submit bugs in OpenDarwin:

Known Issues
For known issues, please look in the install notes for your architecture.

Licensing Information

The contents of the OpenDarwin 6.6.2 CD image are covered by
several licenses:

* The Apple-developed portions of the Source Code and corresponding binary
        package folders are covered by the Apple Public Source License
        Version 1.2.

* A few Apple-provided drivers are only available as binaries, and are
        covered by the Apple Binary Driver Software License Agreement.  
        The drivers covered by this license are located in
        /System/Installation/apple_binary/ on the Install CD image.

*  Other portions of OpenDarwin 6.6.2 may be covered by third party licenses.

Please read all these licenses carefully before using any of this software,
as your use of this software signifies that you have read the licenses and
that you accept and agree to their respective terms.
发表于 2003-11-10 12:58:39 | 显示全部楼层
那两张图配错了吧。明明是从mac osx上截下来的嘛,中文字体上就可以看出来。
发表于 2003-11-10 13:25:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-11-10 20:42:19 | 显示全部楼层
darwin跟opendarwin是还是有区别的,说opendarwin和os x都是基于darwin的代码更准确些
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