发表于 2005-11-14 05:27:38
Peference is a personal matter
Post by 1ball
For available software:
Perl has CPAN, a huge collection of cool modules;
Ruby has RAA library, gem package, and Ruby is pure OO language;
Python has Zope/plone, which is also cool;
PHP is popular, and it has PEAR;
MVC(Model, View and Controller) framework:
Perl has Catalyst(catalyst.perl.org), currently on 5.50RC, is a really powerful web development framework;
Ruby has Ruby on Rails(www.rubyonrails.com), which is the MVC framework pioneer, Catalyst is inspired by rails, aslo rails has integrated AJAX support(prototype.js and scriptaculous.js), which is next generation web development platform, all OO and simply amazing;
Python has TurboGear, which is also inspired by Rails;
PHP has Cake and some other frameworks;
So far my favorite is Perl with Catalyst, and I also tried Ruby on Rails, can't say which one is better, it depends on your own experiences.
:rolleyes: |