
热搜: shell linux mysql
楼主: ashunter


发表于 2008-3-18 13:35:27 | 显示全部楼层

suse@openSUSE:~> /usr/bin/compiz-manager
which: no kwin in (/home/suse/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/games:/usr/lib64/jvm/jre/bin:/usr/lib/mit/bin:/usr/lib/mit/sbin)
Checking for Xgl: not present.
Detected PCI ID for VGA: Flags: bus master, VGA palette snoop, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 64
01:00.0 Class 0300: 1002:7288 (rev 9a) (prog-if 00 [VGA])
Checking for texture_from_pixmap: not present.
Trying again with indirect rendering:
Checking for texture_from_pixmap: present.
Checking for non power of two support: present.
Checking for Composite extension: present.
Comparing resolution (1280x1024) to maximum 3D texture size (4096): Passed.
Checking for nVidia: not present.
Checking for FBConfig: present.
Checking for Xgl: not present.
Starting emerald
* Detected Session: gnome
* Searching for installed applications...
* Using the GTK Interface
A handler is already registered for the path starting with path[0] = "org"
A handler is already registered for the path starting with path[0] = "org"
A handler is already registered for the path starting with path[0] = "org"
A handler is already registered for the path starting with path[0] = "org"
A handler is already registered for the path starting with path[0] = "org"
A handler is already registered for the path starting with path[0] = "org"
A handler is already registered for the path starting with path[0] = "org"
A handler is already registered for the path starting with path[0] = "org"
A handler is already registered for the path starting with path[0] = "org"
A handler is already registered for the path starting with path[0] = "org"
A handler is already registered for the path starting with path[0] = "org"
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