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楼主: hdboy


发表于 2002-10-17 19:07:08 | 显示全部楼层

Meetinghouse Data Communications SecureSupplicant
mdc-ssd 1.0.0 15 Oct 2001

Copyright (c) 2001 Meetinghouse Data Communications
All rights Reserved.

Meetinghouse Data Communications
150 Greenleaf Avenue
Unit F
Portsmouth, NH 03801


This is the README for mdc-ssd, a binary package which implements
the 802.1x protocol for port-access authentication.  This permits
authentication to LANs using wireless or conventional ethernet access.


For release information please see the RELEASES document.


The 802.1x protocol provides authentication to access IEEE Std 802 LAN
infrastructure.  802.1x is a draft standard and is based on the PPP-EAP
(Point-to-Point Extensible Authentication Protocol).  802.1x allows
a user to access a LAN port and obtain authentication from an
authentication server.

802.1x is in part a repackaging of EAP.  EAP packets are wrapped
in EAPOL (EAP over LAN) packets.  The extra fields of the EAPOL packets
can give added functionality suitable for wireless connection, such
as encryption key fields.  The entire EAP packet may therefore be

EAP was proposed to support a variety of protocols.  In practice,
only a subset is typically implemented.  Similarly, in this implementation
of 802.1x only CHAP-MD5 and TLS are supported.  TLS is in fact the
latest version of SSL, version 3.1.  The mdc-ssd daemon has not been
tested against earlier versions of SSL.

802.1x defines two negotiating entities.  The user's agent, which
is attempting to authenticate to the network, is called the supplicant.
The network's agent, which controls access of the supplicant, is
called the authenticator.  The authenticator is typically a switch.
The authenticator, in spite of it's name, need not perform authentication.
That responsibility is generally handled remotely, by an authentication
server.  This software acts as a supplicant, to allow the computer
upon which it is running access to the authenticator's network.

This software is binary and includes two executables:

1) mdc-ssd - the supplicant daemon.

2) mdc-ssc - a client program that can query  state information
             from the supplicant, and/or cause it to send start
                         or logoff packets.
Wireless Support
The MDC supplicant has been tested in a wireless environment using
the following wireless NICs:
1)   Cisco 340
2)   Orinoco Gold with the wavelan2_cs_6.17BETA driver


No libraries are required for this binary version.  However, if you
are using TLS authentication, you may wish to download OpenSSL.  This
will give you tools for making, converting and testing certificates.
The mdc-ssd daemon uses the OpenSSL library for TLS.  You can obtain
OpenSSL from: (or


mdc-ssd contains proprietary code from other Meetinghouse Data
Communications products, and is therefore only being released
in binary .rpm format.  Sorry.  This program is freely available
from the website, but may not be otherwise

Download the .rpm to any directory.  From that directory type:
      rpm -ivv <rpmfilename>

That's it!  The mdc-ssd daemon and mdc-ssc client are in /usr/sbin.
Docs are under /usr/doc/mdc-ssd, configuration files and
sample certificate files are in /etc/mdc-ssd (the certificates will
not work for you!).




by default, the daemon will detatch from the console.


Type "man mdc-ssd" to view the daemon's man page, and "man mdc-ssc"
to view the man page for the client.

The subdirectory startup contains readme and installation scripts.
Currently the only tested installation is Redhat Linux (version
6.2 or greater).

The directory /usr/doc/mdc-ssd/startup contains a README and
sample installation script.  Additional installation instructions
are in the mdc-ssd man page.


Please report bugs, suggestions, flames, etc.  via the Meetinghouse
Data Communications web site.

The url is:
At the website the link to the support email address may be found via:
            support -> products -> securesupplicant

Copyright 2001 by Meetinghouse Data Communications, Inc.
发表于 2002-10-17 19:10:57 | 显示全部楼层
mdc-ssd man page

MDC-SSD(8)                                                          MDC-SSD(8)

       mdc-ssd  -  Meetinghouse  Data Communications SecureSupplicant - 802.1x
       protocol supplicant daemon

       mdc-ssd [ options ] [ TLS options ]

       The MDC SecureSupplicant daemon (mdc-ssd) provides user access to  IEEE
       Std  802  LAN  infrastructure.  This draft standard is based on PPP-EAP
       (Point-to-Point Extensible Authentication protocol).  It allows a  user
       to  access a LAN port and obtain authentication from a server.  Current
       authentication methods are CHAP-MD5 and SSL/TLS.

       The Options may be specified either from the command line, or from  one
       of several configuration files.  A priviledged, default options file is
       located in /etc/mdc-ssd/ and its parameters are described  below  under
       GENERAL  OPTIONS.   The GENERAL OPTIONS control the behavior of mdc-ssd
       at a system level and affect all interfaces configured. The file itself
       is  fully  described  in the section "Options Files".  The default file
       (named "options") may be used to specify any  of  the  general  options

       The  options  file  starts  with  a section containing general options,
       which is followed by a  sub-section  specific  to  each  authentication
       method supported by mdc-ssd.

       Port  specific  parameters  are defined in /etc/mdc-ssd/ifcfg.  Several
       parameters may be configured for each network interface.  These parame-
       ters  are  described  in the INTERFACE OPTIONS section.  The parameters
       specified in file /etc/mdc-ssd/ifcfg are associated with each port  and
       may not be specified on the command line.

       The  secrets  files  for  the  supported  authentication  protocols are
       located in  /etc/mdc-ssd/<interface  name>.   Each  protocol  supported
       (such  as CHAP-MD5) for that interface will have it's own secrets file,
       in this case, "chap-secrets" in its directory.  Each of these  is  dis-
       cussed  in the section on secrets files.  (currently CHAP-MD5 and TLS).

              Outputs the current version of the mdc-ssd daemon.

       call name
              Read options from the file  /etc/mdc-ssd/name.   This  file  may
              contain  privileged options, even if mdc-ssd is not being run by
              root.  The name string may not begin with / or include ..  as  a
              pathname component.  The format of the options file is described

       file name
              Read options from file name (the  format  is  described  below).
              The  file  must be readable by the user who has invoked mdc-ssd.
              This option is priviledged.

       dryrun With the dryrun option, mdc-ssd will log all the  option  values
              which  have  been  set  and then exit, after parsing the command
              line and options files  and  checking  the  option  values,  but
              before  initiating  the  link.   The option values are logged at
              'info' level.  If you wish to see the options on standard output
              then you should also use the 'nodetach' and 'logfd 1' options.

       dump   With the dump option, mdc-ssd will print out all the option val-
              ues which have been set.  This option is like the dryrun  option
              except that mdc-ssd proceeds as normal rather than exiting.

       --help, -h
              Show a brief listing of the options available.

       logfd n
              Send log messages to a secondary log file descriptor n (in addi-
              tion to standard syslog logging).  mdc-ssd will  send  log  mes-

mdc-ssc man page

MDC_SSC(8)                                                          MDC_SSC(8)

       mdc-ssc - client for mdc-ssd supplicant

       mdc-ssc [ hostname ] [ port ]

       This  small  program  can be used to make the mdc-ssd supplicant daemon
       emit EAPOL start or logoff packets from a command line prompt.  It will
       also display the supplicant's state.

       The  client is invoked by typing it's name at the command line.  If the
       default host and port will not work,  the  desired  hostname  and  port
       should follow as command parameters.

       The client will respond by typing the prompt >.  The following commands
       are then valid for entry:

       help   Display available client commands.

       quit   Exit the client program.

       state <interface>
              Display current state of supplicant for the interface indicated.
              See STATES section below.

       start <interface>
              Send an 802.1x START packet to the interface indicated.
       logoff <interface>
              Send  an 802.1x LOGOFF packet for the interface indicated.  Note
              that according to the protocol, the authenticator  will  immedi-
              ately  reauthenticate,  thereby  opening a new session. To end a
              session, the mdc-ss daemon should be exited.

STATES (states of mdc-ssd)
       HELD   In general this state is entered when you have failed to authen-
              ticate.   In  this  state the mdc-ssd is awaiting a 'request id'
              from the authenticator or for the 'heldperiod' before ending the
              CONNECTING state.  Note also, the authenticator may ignore pack-
              ets from your mdc-ssd
               for a period of time (30-60 seconds).  This is a security  mea-
              sure on the authenticator's part.

              The  mdc-ssd has sent a 'start' request to begin the authentica-
              tion protocol and is awaiting a request id from the  authentica-

              The  authenticator  has  sent a 'request id' and the mdc-ssd has
              sent its identity.  The mdc-ssd is awaiting the first 'authenti-
              cation request' from the authenticator.

              The  authenticator  has sent an 'authentication request' and the
              mdc-ssd has replied with the appropriate 'authentication reply'.
              The  mdc-ssd is awaiting either another 'authentication request'
              or an indication of success or failure of our authentication.

              You have successfully authenticated.  You  have  access  to  the

       The  client  will by default use  hostname  "localhost" and port 12345.
       The mdc-ssd daemon will use the same port by  default.   Therefore  the
       client  should work properly if executed from the same host as the sup-
       plicant, with port 12345 unused.  If it is necessary to change the host
       or port, do the following:

       1.   Invoke  the  client, using the host and port as paramenters to the
       mdc-ssc command, in the order [host] [port], separated by white  space.

       2.   Set  the  mdc-ssd  option "clientPort" to the desired port number.
       This may be done either when invoking mdc-ssd from the command line, or
       from  an  options file.  For a discussion of options and options files,
       see the mdc-ssd man page.

       The client should be protected from unauthorized use, as it can disrupt
       the  supplicant  remotely.   Permissions should be set so that only the
       supplicant's user or superuser has execute permission.

       Meetinghouse Data Communications ( Jim Burns, Steve  Pan-
       ish, Cetin Ensoy, Denis Bakin, Alex Romanyuk.

 楼主| 发表于 2002-10-17 21:37:09 | 显示全部楼层

谢谢兄弟们,可是我不争气,english is very poor!

发表于 2002-10-21 00:13:08 | 显示全部楼层
我觉得mdc-ssd后面跟的参数【options】很重要,“The Options may be specified either from the command line,or from one
of several configuration files”比如帐号,密码可能就是在这里输入的,或者把它写成options file
发表于 2002-10-28 22:33:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2002-11-4 18:33:49 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2002-11-12 10:40:47 | 显示全部楼层
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