最初由 appn 发表
- 1) Install the latest Gentoo kernel sources:
- # emerge gentoo-dev-sources
- 2) Configure, build and install your kernel:
- # cd /usr/src/linux
- # make menuconfig
- # make
- # make install modules_install
- ===============================================================================
- Device Drivers ---> Graphics support --->
- <*> Support for frame buffer devices
- <*> VESA VGA graphics support (NEW)
- + Console display driver support ---> [*] Video mode selection support
- [*] Framebuffer Console support
- Logo configuration --->
- [*] Bootup logo
- [*] Standard 224-color Linux logo (NEW)
- <*> Support for the framebuffer splash
- ===============================================================================
- 3) Install splashutils:
- # emerge splashutils
- 4) Create an initramfs image for fbsplash:
- # splash_geninitramfs -v -g /boot/fbsplash-emergence-1024x768 -r 1024x768 emergence
- 5) Configure your bootloader: (instructions for grub)
- # cd /boot/grub
- Edit menu.lst, find the entry for your kernel, and put 'splash=silent,theme:emergence'
- onto the kernel command line. You should get something like this:
- title Gentoo Linux (g-d-s
- root (hd0,4)
- kernel /boot/gentoo- ro root=/dev/hda1 video=vesafb:ywrap,pmipal,1024x768-32@75 splash=silent,theme:emergence
- initrd /boot/fbsplash-emergence-1024x768
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