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发表于 2006-6-20 15:51:26 | 显示全部楼层

求助:redhat linux9 怎么装 Intel865g 显卡驱动!!

求助:redhat linux9 怎么装 Intel865g 显卡驱动!!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-6-24 13:14:11 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-6-24 13:21:28 | 显示全部楼层
我是刚买的华硕A6Q00VM笔记本 也不知道是装了什么东西触摸板不好使了
原因是中病毒后(好像是中病毒吧)开关机可慢了 我也不懂啊  以为要重装系统
就翻出各种买时带的盘一顿装(后来发现装的驱动盘 我把所有盘上的驱动全装了一遍)
所以触摸板不好使了  谢各位大哥大姐们帮帮我 麻烦说直白一些 我是超级小菜鸟
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-7-11 14:34:20 | 显示全部楼层



    不过问题还是没有解决,到现在机器还找不到modem.我用的的rhl 9,modem 是SmartLink sl1800.
不论是用slmodemd-2.9.11_20051009_gcc3.tar还是slmdm-2.7.10.tar去驱动,都不行,前者还可以make install,但后面的一些设置我看得不太懂.请高手们指点.下面是readme文件.我还想问下:
2.在第三步中(3. Review and edit 'Makefile' (if need):)有这样一行:KERNEL_DIR=/path/to/linux,我是不是可以不修改就可以打进去?
3.在下面第五步中(5. Install. As 'root' user run),"it will install:..."下面的文字是不是我可以不管它,计算机自己会处理的?
4.在第六步中(6. Config modem country),我是不是可以输入这样一行就行了:
slmodemd --country=CHINA
Smart Link Ltd.
Sep 30, 2003

Smart Link Soft Modem for Linux


This is Smart Link Soft Modem for Linux version 2.9. It provides
full-featured 56K Voice Fax Modem.
This is implemented as generic application (slmodemd) and set of
hardware specific kernel-space drivers (slamr, slusb).
ALSA modem drivers may be used instead of proprietary ones (see ALSA mode).


Modem: V.92, V.90, V.34, V.32bis, V.32, V.23, V.22, V.21, Bell 103/212.
Flow control: V.42.
Compression: V.44, V.42bis.
Fax: Class 1.
Voice: V253 like modem.
Multiple modems are supported.

Supported Hardware

HAMR5600 based AMR/CNR/MDC/ACR modem cards on the following Southbridge
- Intel ICH0,ICH2, ICH3, ICH4
- Via 686A, 686B, 8231, 8233
- SiS 630
- ALI 1535.
SmartPCI56/561/562/563 based PCI modem cards.
SmartUSB56 based USB modem.


CPU: Intel Pentium II, Celron. AMD K6, Cyrix 500MHz or higher.
Memory: 64MB.

OS: Linux 2.4. You need the kernel header files at least (or full kernel
               source tree) installed and configured.
    Linux 2.6. You need the full kernel source tree installed and configured.

Note: Most Linux Distributions have 'ready to use' kernel source package -
      be sure that this is installed.


1. Unpack tar.gz package file:

        $ gzip -dc slmodem-2.9.X.tar.gz | tar xf -

2. 'cd' to package directory:

        $ cd slmodem-2.9.X

3. Review and edit 'Makefile' (if need):

   In many cases you will need to correct path to your local kernel
   source tree:


   Default KERNEL_DIR is '/lib/modules/<kerne-version>/build'. Many Linux
   Distributions use directory '/usr/src/linux-<version>' also.

   Note: If you are using Linux kernel 2.4, only header files should be
         available for build in $(KERNEL_DIR)/include

   Another way to pass right value KERNEL_DIR is to use command line
   parameter while running 'make':

        $ make KERNEL_DIR=/path/to/linux ...

4. Run 'make' command to compile package:

        $ make

5. Install. As 'root' user run:

        # make install

   It will install:

   - application 'slmodemd' under '/usr/sbin' directory

   - hardware specific drivers (kernel modules) 'slamr' and 'slusb'
     under conventional kernel modules directory

   - character device nodes '/dev/slamr0-3' with major number 212
     (for pci modems) and '/dev/slusb0-3' with major number 213
     (for usb modems).

   - config modules for autoloading (by editing file '/etc/modules.conf')
     (only with 2.4 kernels)

6. Config modem country.

   Use AT+GCI=<T.35 country code> command to setup country.

   Also you can setup default modem country by passing command line
   parameter '--country=MY_COUNTRY' to program 'slmodemd'.

   See output of 'slmodemd --countrylist' for a list of supported
   country names and T.35 country codes (see also 'slmodemd --help').

   Note: Command ATI7 shows currently installed country setting.

8. Uninstallation.

   In package directory just type:

        # make uninstall

Getting Started

After successful installation and configuration:

1. Load modem driver.

   Load your modem hardware specific kernel module:

        # modprobe slamr

   if you are using AMR/CNR/PCI modem, or

        # modprobe slusb

   if you are using SmartUSB56 Modem.

   Note: this will be done automatically when modules were
         configured for 'loading on demand'

   Note: this is safe to load both 'alamr' and 'slusb' modules.

2. Run soft modem application.

       # /usr/sbin/slmodemd [options] <device_name>

   Where device name is appropriate device node for your modem
   (look at output of 'dmesg' command).
   Run '/usr/sbin/slmodemd --help' for details.


       # /usr/sbin/slmodemd --country=USA /dev/slamr0

   , or for SmartUSB56 Modems:

       # /usr/sbin/slmodemd --country=ITALY /dev/slusb0

3. Using the modem.

   When 'slmodemd' is running this creates PTY (pseudo-terminal) to
   emulate modem port device, also this creates symbolic link
   like '/dev/ttySL0' (shown at startup).

   Config your application to use this link '/dev/ttySL0' (or PTY node
   itself) as modem port.

   Note: Some application want 'to know' that they are working with
         pseudo-terminal and may require additional configurations.

   Known application notes:

   - 'wvdial' requires option 'Carrier Check = no' in config file

   - some versions of 'kppp' may not work properly with devices named
     like '/dev/ttySL0'. To workaround this you may create symbolic link
     '/dev/modem' ( # ln -s /dev/ttySL0 /dev/modem ) and use this link
     as modem device with 'kppp'

   - some pci modem devices are declared as COMMUNICATION_MODEM class and
     might be caught by other standard drivers - you will see "grabbed
     by another driver" warning in dmesg buffer. There is no good way to
     "release" it, but as silly workaround you may use 'ungrab-winmodem'
     pseudo-driver from
     Note that you should load it before 'slamr' module.

4. Startup automation.

    There are examples of startup scripts in 'scripts' directory.

ALSA mode

ALSA has the built-in modem drivers included in 'alsa-driver' >= 1.0.2
and in Linux kernel >= 2.6.5. Currently there is 'intel8x0m' (snd-intel8x0m)
modem driver, which supports ICH based AC97 modems (MC97).

Recent 'alsa-driver' (>=1.0.8) has also support for NVidia NForce, SiS 630
(snd-intel8x0m), VIA686 (snd-via82xx-modem) and ATI IXP (snd-atiixp-modem)
based modems.

1. Configure your kernel and enable ALSA and ICH based modem support
   ( 'Device Drivers' -> 'Sound' -> 'Advanced Linux Sound Architecture' ->
     'PCI devices' -> 'Intel i8x0/MX440; AMD768/8111 modems' ) .

2. Build and install kernel and modules as usual (make , make modules_install,
   etc.). ICH modem driver modem module name is 'snd-intel8x0m'
  (if was configured as module).

3. Build application 'slmodemd' with ALSA support. For this in
   slmodem-2.9.x dir:

      $ cd modem
      $ make SUPPORT_ALSA=1

   This will build 'slmodemd' with ALSA support. If compilation is failed
   review Makefile (near ALSA_SUPPORT condition) and define right library
   and/or CFLAGS .

Note: For above you need ALSA library and header files installed.

4. Use option '--alsa' when running 'slmodemd' and ALSA conventional
   device name ('hw:0' or 'hw:1' for instance). If modem support in
   the kernel was enabled as module module 'snd-intel8x0m' should be loaded.

Note: Recent version of 'alsa-lib' (>= 1.0.6) has built-in "modem" device
      name support ('modem:0', 'modem:1', etc). It is recommended to use
      those names with modems (mandatory with ATI IXP modems).
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-2-5 12:18:38 | 显示全部楼层
Conexant High Definition Audio的驱动怎么弄啊?用alsa的到底行不行.我都试了一天了.
还有Intel GMA950的显卡又怎么弄啊?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-2-16 23:49:20 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-3-15 09:30:15 | 显示全部楼层
各们高手们,我用FC6系统,请问如何安装windows2003共享的HP Deskjet 1180c打印机?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-3-30 10:11:27 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-9-21 10:15:26 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-9-27 15:07:24 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

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