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发表于 2004-6-16 22:20:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




IMフレームワークへの要求仕様は常に増え続けるものと考えています。現在はキー入力→プリエディット処理→コミットという単純な処理が中心ですが、将来的に単なる"input method"を越えた高度なテキスト処理を実現するためにも、クライアントとなるソフトウェアへのパイプ(immodule API等)は常に見直し・拡?垽匾摔胜辘蓼埂%讠螗讠飑`ションや音声入力、アナログ入力デバイス等への??辘浈`入力との組み合わせ、アプリケーションの実行コンテキストに依存した語?·渥磻B遷移への??甑取F在想像できる範囲でも課題はいくらでも出てきます。私自身、妄想気味のアイディアをいくつも持っており実現を望んでいます。

このような状況に??辘工毪摔稀⒓夹g的にもプロジェクト的にもIMフレームワーク及びIM本体を低コストで柔軟に再構成し続けられる事が必須です。場合によってはscrap & buildも発生するでしょう。私にとってはuimがその解です。IIIMFではIM開発を楽にするために幾重にも積み上げられた枠組が逆に変化への??辘蜃韬Δ贰㈤_発コストとして跳ね返ると考えています。結果的に、常に理想に追い付けない状況になります。理想に追い付けないのはuimでも同じですが、投入した開発コストに比してより近づく事はできると思っています。


ここで冒頭に戻りますが、何もしなければIIIMFだけの世界がやって来ます。そのような世界を望ましくないと感じ、自らが最高と信じるIMフレームワークが多くの環境に適用できるように領域を確保する、その日々の活動は私にとって「IIIMFと戦う」("fight against IIIMF")という表現が最もしっくり来ます。



なお、「戦っている」のはuimの存在にかかわる根源的領域でであって、協力が必要な場面で意地を?垽盲郡辍ⅴ抓恁弗Д趣碎vわっている人々自身と争ったりするつもりは毛頭ありません。immodule for Qtの実現においてはプロジェクトの枠を越えて全員が力を尽くしているし、IIIMFの人達ともウマが合えば仲良くなる事もあるでしょう。その場合でも技術的に譲れない点については何ら変わりなく戦う事になりますが。


发表于 2004-6-16 22:21:19 | 显示全部楼层
why not ask the author of this article to translate this?

BTW: I am also interested in the content of this article
发表于 2004-6-16 22:22:15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-6-16 22:49:25 | 显示全部楼层
I have received naturally, the expression that "it fights with IIIMF", problem apparent is private opinion to the thing which is done. Please ignore the one which dislikes the excuse long sentence.

If at all opposite project of uim and SCIM etc. is not active, as for the world becoming IIIMF one, the interface is hard coded probably will be in many software. When that happens, it is required to IM that it is settled in the framework straw raincoat of IIIMF. This framework being perfect, in the future planning whatever kind of IM in for whatever kind of environment, if it is something which is answered the request, there is no problem. Toru doing to receive the advantage of the framework, IM developer can do ease suitably, probably is.

But, at least as for me as for that kind of world you think that it cannot actualize. One of the big reasons is development efficiency.

Requirements specification to IM framework thinks the thing which continues to increase always. Presently key-in -> preedit processing -> the simple processing, commitment is the center, but future mere " Input method" Even because the high-level text processing which it exceeds is actualized, the pipe to the software which becomes the client () becomes always second look such as immodule API expansion necessary. With the range and topic comes out with a lot of, presently such as pen operation and vocabulary and the correspondence to state transition which depend on the execution context of combination and application with the correspondence and key-in to audio input and the analog input device and the like can be imagined. Me myself, has many idea of delusion feeling and desires actualization.

It corresponds to this kind of circumstance, it is necessary technical and project to be continued to reconstruct IM framework and IM substance low softly at cost. Also scrap & build occur probably will be depending upon when. Uim is the solution for me. With IIIMF that the framework to stack even repeatedly in order to make IM development easy obstructs the correspondence to change conversely, you think rebounds as a development cost. It becomes the circumstance which result and always cannot be overtaken ideal. It is the same even with uim not to be able to overtake ideal, but from comparing in the development cost which is thrown, that it gets near, it thinks that it is possible.

This me and is something related to uim and IIIMF. Of course, if standpoint is different, when IIIMF brings the big merit, in large quantity it is, probably will be. Either one present conditions under it cannot do to satisfy the request of all people with one side.

It returns to beginning here, but if if what it is not, the world just of IIIMF comes. That kind of world is felt that it is not desirable, in order to be able to apply to many environment IM framework which it believes that the self is highest, the territory should be guaranteed, activity of the everyday life for me "fights with IIIMF", (" Fight against IIIMF" ) With the expression which is said comes most exactly.

Of course, "competition" "choices" "variety" "is good also it is possible to rephrase in the clean word such as the rival" and, it makes that way, me myself according to the time and when probably will be. You do not intend the fact that all it denies the project and the individual of the partner to that and/or attack (attack) does and/or and/or is destroyed. The fact that the project to which by your belong to the last is promoted is purpose.

Even then as a party it meaning that the consciousness that "it fights", is formed naturally, it hides and/or twists and/or it is the intention without of doing to above necessity. When the air is used in such a thing, being to become tired. Occasionally, feeling entrust there are times when message is discharged, but being to become to fan various ones above necessity you reflect this. Betting annoyance on each direction, there is no excuse.

Furthermore, at all there is no intention of disputing with the people themselves to whom "fighting" being in the root territory which relates to the existence of uim, is stubborn with the scene whose cooperation is necessary, has related to project. Exceeding the framework of project at the time of the actualizing immodule, for Qt everyone has exhausted power and, also the people of IIIMF are good, but if it is agreeable, there are also times when it becomes chummy, probably will be. It becomes to fight what not to change concerning the point which cannot be transferred technically even with in that case but.

It became long, but for me "it fights with IIIMF", it is such.

# opinion the invitation and the like of thought friendship meeting we wait
发表于 2004-6-16 22:50:31 | 显示全部楼层
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我没怎么看懂,个人感觉大意就是 不要说 against IIIMF, 而应该是大家合作的关系,共同进步
发表于 2004-6-16 22:54:57 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵,一看就知道作者是站在 james 一边反对 iiimf 的。
发表于 2004-6-16 23:12:30 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-6-16 23:24:53 | 显示全部楼层
It is total gibberish to me!
发表于 2004-6-17 00:30:19 | 显示全部楼层
我对感受到的被认为是“与IIIMF战斗”的表现的事情,自然地表达个人的见解。 请原谅,如果嫌文章太长,请略过。
发表于 2004-6-17 00:34:20 | 显示全部楼层
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