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发表于 2004-7-11 00:50:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Linux Kernel chown()系统调用 组属性更改的漏洞

Linux kernel 2.6.6
Linux kernel 2.6.5
    - SuSE Linux 9.1


Linux是一款开放源代码操作系统。Linux Kernel存在一个缺陷,本地或远程攻击者可以利用这个漏洞不正确更改任意文件的组属主。

在审核Linux内核过程中,SUSE发现一个缺陷允许用户未授权更改文件组ID,在Red Hat Enterprise
Linux包含2.4版内核,只有通过Kernel nfs服务器上才能触发此问题,在系统上的用户可以从有此漏洞的机器上挂接远程文件系统,并能未授权更改导出文件的组ID。



RHSA-2004:360-05:Updated kernel packages fix security vulnerabilities

原文出处:北京瑞星科技股份有限公司 ... 07/09-155415884.htm
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-11 01:02:13 | 显示全部楼层
SUSE-SA:2004:020: kernel
Published: Jul 02, 2004
Updated: Jul 02, 2004


                        SUSE Security Announcement

        Package:                kernel
        Announcement-ID:        SUSE-SA:2004:020
        Date:                   Tuesday, Jul 2nd 2004 18:00 MEST
        Affected products:      8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 9.0, 9.1
                                SUSE Linux Database Server,
                                SUSE eMail Server III, 3.1
                                SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 7, 8
                                SUSE Linux Firewall on CD/Admin host
                                SUSE Linux Connectivity Server
                                SUSE Linux Office Server
        Vulnerability Type:     local privilege escalation
        Severity (1-10):        6
        SUSE default package:   yes
        Cross References:       CAN-2004-0495

    Content of this advisory:
        1) security vulnerability resolved:
                - chown: users can change the group affiliation of arbitrary
                  files to the group they belong to
                - missing DAC check in chown(2): local privilege escalation
                - overflow with signals: local denial-of-service
                - pss, mpu401 sound driver: read/write to complete memory
                - airo driver: read/write to complete memory
                - ALSA: copy_from_user/copy_to_user confused
                - acpi_asus: read from random memory
                - decnet: write to memory without checking
                - e1000 driver: read complete memory
           problem description, discussion, solution and upgrade information
        2) pending vulnerabilities, solutions, workarounds:
                - icecast
                - sitecopy
                - cadaver
                - OpenOffice_org
                - tripwire
                - postgresql*
                - mod_proxy
                - freeswan
                - ipsec-tools
                - less
                - libpng
                - pavuk
                - XFree86*
                - kdebase3
        3) standard appendix (further information)


1)  problem description, brief discussion, solution, upgrade information

    Multiple security vulnerabilities are being addressed with this security
    update of the Linux kernel.

    Kernel memory access vulnerabilities are fixed in the e1000, decnet,
    acpi_asus, alsa, airo/WLAN, pss and mpu401 drivers. These
    vulnerabilities can lead to kernel memory read access, write access
    and local denial of service conditions, resulting in access to the
    root account for an attacker with a local account on the affected

    Missing Discretionary Access Control (DAC) checks in the chown(2) system
    call allow an attacker with a local account to change the group
    ownership of arbitrary files, which leads to root privileges on affected
    systems. It is specific to kernel version 2.6 based systems such as
    the SUSE Linux 9.1 product, that only local shell access is needed to
    exploit this vulnerability. An interesting variant of the missing
    checks is that the ownership of files in the /proc filesystem can be
    altered, while the changed ownership still does not allow the files to
    be accessed as a non-root user for to be able to exploit the
    vulnerability. Systems that are based on a version 2.4 kernel are not
    vulnerable to the /proc weakness, and exploitation of the weakness
    requires the use of the kernel NFS server (knfsd). If the knfsd NFS
    server is not activated (it is off by default), the vulnerability is
    not exposed. These issues related to the chown(2) system call have been
    discovered by Michael Schroeder and Ruediger Oertel, both SUSE LINUX.

    The only network-related vulnerability fixed with the kernel updates
    that are subject to this announcement affect the SUSE Linux 9.1
    distribution only, as it is based on a 2.6 kernel. Found and reported
    to bugtraq by Adam Osuchowski and Tomasz Dubinski, the vulnerability
    allows a remote attacker to send a specially crafted TCP packet to a
    vulnerable system, causing that system to stall if it makes use of
    TCP option matching netfilter rules.

    In some rare configurations of the SUSE Linux 9.1 distribution, some
    users have experienced stalling systems during system startup. These
    problems are fixed with this kernel update.

    For the impatient: Run YOU (Yast2 Online Update, command
    "yast2 online_update" as root) to install the updates (semi)
    automatically, if you have a SUSE Linux 8.1 and newer system.

    For those who wish to install their kernel updates manually and for
    those who use a SUSE Linux 8.0 system:

    The following paragraphs will guide you through the installation
    process in a step-by-step fashion. The character sequence "****"
    marks the beginning of a new paragraph. In some cases, the steps
    outlined in a particular paragraph may or may not be applicable
    to your situation.
    Therefore, please make sure to read through all of the steps below
    before attempting any of these procedures.
    All of the commands that need to be executed are required to be
    run as the superuser (root). Each step relies on the steps before
    it to complete successfully.

  **** Step 1: Determine the needed kernel type

    Please use the following command to find the kernel type that is
    installed on your system:

      rpm -qf /boot/vmlinuz

    Following are the possible kernel types (disregard the version and
    build number following the name separated by the "-" character)

      k_deflt   # default kernel, good for most systems.
      k_i386    # kernel for older processors and chipsets
      k_athlon  # kernel made specifically for AMD Athlon(tm) family processors
      k_psmp    # kernel for Pentium-I dual processor systems
      k_smp     # kernel for SMP systems (Pentium-II and above)
      k_smp4G   # kernel for SMP systems which supports a maximum of 4G of RAM

  **** Step 2: Download the package for your system

    Please download the kernel RPM package for your distribution with the
    name as indicated by Step 1. The list of all kernel rpm packages is
    appended below. Note: The kernel-source package does not
    contain a binary kernel in bootable form. Instead, it contains the
    sources that the binary kernel rpm packages are created from. It can be
    used by administrators who have decided to build their own kernel.
    Since the kernel-source.rpm is an installable (compiled) package that
    contains sources for the linux kernel, it is not the source RPM for
    the kernel RPM binary packages.

    The kernel RPM binary packages for the distributions can be found at the
    locations below


    After downloading the kernel RPM package for your system, you should
    verify the authenticity of the kernel rpm package using the methods as
    listed in section 3) of each SUSE Security Announcement.

  **** Step 3: Installing your kernel rpm package

    Install the rpm package that you have downloaded in Steps 3 or 4 with
    the command
        rpm -Uhv --nodeps --force <K_FILE.RPM>
    where <K_FILE.RPM> is the name of the rpm package that you downloaded.

    Warning: After performing this step, your system will likely not be
             able to boot if the following steps have not been fully

    If you run SUSE LINUX 8.1 and haven't applied the kernel update
    (SUSE-SA:2003:034), AND you are using the freeswan package, you also
    need to update the freeswan rpm as a dependency as offered
    by YOU (YaST Online Update). The package can be downloaded from

  **** Step 4: configuring and creating the initrd

    The initrd is a ramdisk that is loaded into the memory of your
    system together with the kernel boot image by the bootloader. The
    kernel uses the content of this ramdisk to execute commands that must
    be run before the kernel can mount its actual root filesystem. It is
    usually used to initialize SCSI drivers or NIC drivers for diskless

    The variable INITRD_MODULES in /etc/sysconfig/kernel determines
    which kernel modules will be loaded in the initrd before the kernel
    has mounted its actual root filesystem. The variable should contain
    your SCSI adapter (if any) or filesystem driver modules.

    With the installation of the new kernel, the initrd has to be
    re-packed with the update kernel modules. Please run the command


    as root to create a new init ramdisk (initrd) for your system.
    On SuSE Linux 8.1 and later, this is done automatically when the
    RPM is installed.

  **** Step 5: bootloader

    If you run a SUSE LINUX 8.x, SLES8, or SUSE LINUX 9.x system, there
    are two options:
    Depending on your software configuration, you have either the lilo
    bootloader or the grub bootloader installed and initialized on your
    The grub bootloader does not require any further actions to be
    performed after the new kernel images have been moved in place by the
    rpm Update command.
    If you have a lilo bootloader installed and initialized, then the lilo
    program must be run as root. Use the command

      grep LOADER_TYPE /etc/sysconfig/bootloader

    to find out which boot loader is configured. If it is lilo, then you
    must run the lilo command as root. If grub is listed, then your system
    does not require any bootloader initialization.

    Warning: An improperly installed bootloader may render your system

  **** Step 6: reboot

    If all of the steps above have been successfully completed on your
    system, then the new kernel including the kernel modules and the
    initrd should be ready to boot. The system needs to be rebooted for
    the changes to become active. Please make sure that all steps have
    completed, then reboot using the command
        shutdown -r now
        init 6

    Your system should now shut down and reboot with the new kernel.

    There is no workaround known.

    Please download the update package for your distribution and verify its
    integrity by the methods listed in section 3) of this announcement.
    Then, install the package using the command "rpm -Fhv file.rpm" to apply
    the update.
    Our maintenance customers are being notified individually. The packages
    are being offered to install from the maintenance web.

    x86 Platform:

    SUSE Linux 9.1: ... 2.6.5-7.95.i586.rpm
      800418d3dddf6d3b83925f562842205a ... 2.6.5-7.95.i586.rpm
      0cb990b159e10685bb29b76d312ddd25 ... 2.6.5-7.95.i586.rpm
      7446bb70f52bce57a914066be4ed8e45 ... 2.6.5-7.95.i586.rpm
      7446bb70f52bce57a914066be4ed8e45 ... 2.6.5-7.95.i586.rpm
    source rpm(s): ... .6.5-7.95.nosrc.rpm
      620ef40226fec31a773397cf3051bf36 ... .6.5-7.95.nosrc.rpm
      9b61b5a70b304f5554cb18a6bae5b5fd ... .6.5-7.95.nosrc.rpm
      227c85280ee17a66c8590fe1bb14c596 ... -2.6.5-7.95.src.rpm

    SUSE Linux 9.0: ... 2.4.21-231.i586.rpm
      48be395b96329909486ae3a5152348fa ... 2.4.21-231.i586.rpm
      4cd322b4f511d5fe4c483ed28a82097e ... 2.4.21-231.i586.rpm
      262e33cebf1b0d35fb6d3235c9ab8815 ... 2.4.21-231.i586.rpm
      8d81370f90736b12aa71b9c744f6e0e2 ... 2.4.21-231.i586.rpm
      bc59c838c84ba318dc4d24da08a3022e ... 2.4.21-231.i586.rpm
    source rpm(s): ... -2.4.21-231.src.rpm
      18673b0bf347fe9557d4e67ca02000c0 ... -2.4.21-231.src.rpm
      71496daac44196b0e0a3836ee6a3b4ed ... -2.4.21-231.src.rpm
      7c208e9e3f7be1a68c3c8457eb2cafc4 ... -2.4.21-231.src.rpm
      b77863c863aaf4b931bff263220e6ec9 ... -2.4.21-231.src.rpm
      bed7e964e22c5e5d2f5e7a5e3816dde4 ... -2.4.21-231.src.rpm

    SUSE Linux 8.2: ... 2.4.20-115.i586.rpm
      50d261b44616f9145a0dc16df501a504 ... 2.4.20-115.i586.rpm
      10095854c0bdae20991d90b822352e14 ... 2.4.20-115.i586.rpm
      a2ef7cfb0e62ad955dda2b0574eb3150 ... 2.4.20-115.i586.rpm
      1d2b0d0e2c7998685ed04c24e593b196 ... 0.SuSE-115.i586.rpm
    source rpm(s): ... -2.4.20-115.src.rpm
      e13a7b4c2b185cfeb991c31607f79ccb ... -2.4.20-115.src.rpm
      0e2f2cf20e7d7a20f3e50b245105df61 ... -2.4.20-115.src.rpm
      6cfac2914d3827ec562ff9d6be29c566 ... -2.4.20-115.src.rpm
      afd29843aa69d805ef5f25d39ecd0e7f ... 20.SuSE-115.src.rpm

    SUSE Linux 8.1: ... 2.4.21-231.i586.rpm
      3bdaa593d09a7cbff632a2c4446d5603 ... 2.4.21-231.i586.rpm
      ba60d0b2b6d3bc9c38b4e8b3859e1586 ... 2.4.21-231.i586.rpm
      ffa8983669004826a0cbedbe34dced76 ... 2.4.21-231.i586.rpm
      25174fd007f5a39ee0342dd6f18f2eaa ... 2.4.21-231.i586.rpm
    source rpm(s): ... -2.4.21-231.src.rpm
      c37e8b87819602e77b14206affef00fa ... -2.4.21-231.src.rpm
      7be68a677db5a65be1a46ec194b35497 ... -2.4.21-231.src.rpm
      8e4b7d5a6bb81da5a00971cdcc4ec641 ... -2.4.21-231.src.rpm
      d8ba1db81a9b517f867c970e4fc443a7 ... -2.4.21-231.src.rpm

    SUSE Linux 8.0: ... 2.4.18-303.i386.rpm
      ec1e53b3812c0c0bd3681435d69fb134 ... 2.4.18-303.i386.rpm
      583164e52019ae090fd47e425c2a933e ... 2.4.18-303.i386.rpm
      9ac8983abef05697d75f3117e37e5f18 ... 2.4.18-303.i386.rpm
      4932c4d6a42fc9be02013f398ab5bb96 ... 8.SuSE-303.i386.rpm
    source rpm(s): ... -2.4.18-303.src.rpm
      a73bacad80432c26e856c41338b154bd ... -2.4.18-303.src.rpm
      782902cd14e7776db66bd61a12beee03 ... -2.4.18-303.src.rpm
      d71fa5cda488ae18f8d023cd8f28bb73 ... -2.4.18-303.src.rpm
      a360a9e6ed2db54f69e17db36f02614f ... .SuSE-303.nosrc.rpm

    x86-64 Platform:

    SUSE Linux 9.1: ... 6.5-7.95.x86_64.rpm
      e2c53fd24991f739fd754c07f7aa8293 ... 6.5-7.95.x86_64.rpm
      f4a69622b7628cdd662a4e39aa59b60e ... 6.5-7.95.x86_64.rpm
    source rpm(s): ... .6.5-7.95.nosrc.rpm
      f6a364879d1f2ae2cf854810d61be3ac ... .6.5-7.95.nosrc.rpm
      a0096d1fc067d89c9200ea3904713d59 ... -2.6.5-7.95.src.rpm

    SUSE Linux 9.0: ... 4.21-231.x86_64.rpm
      17e008a737e5e95e71335e34fa7f86cf ... 4.21-231.x86_64.rpm
      ca742b550b1a503595b02cbfc9e0e481 ... 4.21-231.x86_64.rpm
    source rpm(s): ... -2.4.21-231.src.rpm
      58b1bf42b5661119d06a04888144707a ... -2.4.21-231.src.rpm
      5103001136e39fca5a59f4cbde82822b ... -2.4.21-231.src.rpm


2)  Pending vulnerabilities in SUSE Distributions and Workarounds:

    - icecast
    The icecast service is vulnerable to a remote denial-of-service
    attack. Update packages will be available soon.

    - sitecopy
    The sitecopy package includes a vulnerable version of the
    neon library (CAN-2004-0179, CAN-2004-0398). Update packages will be
    available soon.

    - cadaver
    The cadaver package includes a vulnerable version of the
    neon library (CAN-2004-0179, CAN-2004-0398). Update packages will be
    available soon.

    - OpenOffice_org
    The OpenOffice_org package includes a vulnerable version
    of the neon library (CAN-2004-0179, CAN-2004-0398). Update packages
    will be available soon.

    - tripwire
    A format string bug in tripwire can be exploited locally
    to gain root permissions.
    New packages are available.

    - postgresql
    A buffer overflow in psqlODBC could be exploited to crash the
    application using it. E.g. a PHP script that uses ODBC to access a
    PostgreSQL database can be utilized to crash the surrounding Apache
    web-server. Other parts of PostgreSQL are not affected.
    New packages are available.

    - XDM/XFree86
    This update resolves random listening to ports by XDM
    that allows to connect via the XDMCP. SUSE LINUX 9.1
    is affected only.
    New packages are available.

    - mod_proxy
    A buffer overflow can be triggered by malicious remote
    servers that return a negative Content-Length value.
    This vulnerability can be used to execute commands remotely
    New packages are available.

    - freeswan
    A bug in the certificate chain authentication code could allow an
    attacker to authenticate any host against a FreeS/WAN server by
    presenting specially crafted certificates wrapped in a PKCS#7 file.
    The packages are currently being tested and will be available soon.

    - ipsec-tools
    The racoon daemon which is responsible for handling IKE messages
    fails to reject invalid or self-signed X.509 certificates which
    allows for man-in-the-middle attacks on IPsec tunnels established
    via racoon.
    The packages are currently being tested and will be available soon.

    - less
    This update fixes a possible symlink attack in The
    attack can be executed by local users to overwrite arbitrary files
    with the privileges of the user running less.
    New packages are available.

    - libpng
    This update adds a missing fix for CAN-2002-1363.
    New packages are available.

    - pavuk
    This update fixes a remotely exploitable buffer overflow in pavuk.
    Thanks to Ulf Harnhammar for reporting this to us.
    New packages are available.

    - kdebase3
    This update fixes a possible attack on tmp files created at the
    first login of a user using KDE or at the first time running a
    KDE application. This bug can be exploited locally to overwrite
    arbitrary files with the privilege of the victim user.
    Just affects SUSE LINUX 9.1
    New packages are available.


3)  standard appendix: authenticity verification, additional information

  - Package authenticity verification:

    SUSE update packages are available on many mirror ftp servers around
    the world. While this service is considered valuable and important
    to the free and open source software community, many users wish to be
    certain as to be the origin of the package and its content before
    installing the package. There are two independent verification methods
    that can be used to prove the authenticity of a downloaded file or
    rpm package:
    1) md5sums as provided in the (cryptographically signed) announcement.
    2) using the internal gpg signatures of the rpm package.

    1) execute the command
        md5sum <name-of-the-file.rpm>
       after you have downloaded the file from a SUSE ftp server or its
       mirrors. Then, compare the resulting md5sum with the one that is
       listed in the announcement. Since the announcement containing the
       checksums is cryptographically signed (usually using the key, the checksums offer proof of the authenticity
       of the package.
       We recommend against subscribing to security lists which cause the
       email message containing the announcement to be modified so that
       the signature does not match after transport through the mailing
       list software.
       Downsides: You must be able to verify the authenticity of the
       announcement in the first place. If RPM packages are being rebuilt
       and a new version of a package is published on the ftp server, all
       md5 sums for the files are useless.

    2) rpm package signatures provide an easy way to verify the authenticity
       of an rpm package. Use the command
        rpm -v --checksig <file.rpm>
       to verify the signature of the package, where <file.rpm> is the
       filename of the rpm package that you have downloaded. Of course,
       package authenticity verification can only target an un-installed rpm
       package file.
        a) gpg is installed
        b) The package is signed using a certain key. The public part of this
           key must be installed by the gpg program in the directory
           ~/.gnupg/ under the user's home directory who performs the
           signature verification (usually root). You can import the key
           that is used by SUSE in rpm packages for SUSE Linux by saving
           this announcement to a file ("announcement.txt") and
           running the command (do "su -" to be root):
            gpg --batch; gpg < announcement.txt | gpg --import
           SUSE Linux distributions version 7.1 and thereafter install the
           key "" upon installation or upgrade, provided that
           the package gpg is installed. The file containing the public key
           is placed at the top-level directory of the first CD (pubring.gpg)
           and at .

  - SUSE runs two security mailing lists to which any interested party may
        -   general/linux/SUSE security discussion.
            All SUSE security announcements are sent to this list.
            To subscribe, send an email to
        -   SUSE's announce-only mailing list.
            Only SUSE's security announcements are sent to this list.
            To subscribe, send an email to

    For general information or the frequently asked questions (faq)
    send mail to:
        <> or
        <> respectively.

    SUSE's security contact is <> or <>.
    The <> public key is listed below.
发表于 2004-7-11 08:30:31 | 显示全部楼层


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