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发表于 2004-7-13 12:06:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
mdk10,win4lin5.0左案下载的破解版,的内核,安装内核时提示win4lin大于3-6,安装后在lilo中没有win4lin选项,正常启动后可以运行winsetup,但loadwindows CD时显示 不能运行Xterm,请个位赐教!
发表于 2004-7-13 15:28:20 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-7-13 16:12:13 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 Agadoo 发表

因为kernel 2.6 replaced the old /proc/ksyms with /proc/kallsyms ... p;highlight=win4LIN

Patching to NeTraverse-Enable Your Kernel Source

You can enable your existing kernel for NeTraverse products through a process called patching.

If you have customized your kernel, you can very likely patch your kernel sources to enable NeTraverse products to run on your customized system. Patching your kernel source will allow you to use NeTraverse products without losing the special functionality of your customized kernel.

In some cases your kernel may have been modified during the installation of Linux because of a unique hardware configuration and cannot be patched with one of the NeTraverse distribution patches.


This document assumes a familiarity with building programs from source code and with the linux kernel. If you are confused by the terms and instructions in this document, you may want to look elsewhere on the web for help in understanding these concepts. Even if you are familiar with building software from source code, a quick read through the Kernel HOWTO (link below) is a useful thing to do. Here are some links to get started with:

    * The kernel HOWTO from the Linux Documentation Project.Start here!
    * The Help Files Library section of on compiling kernels
    * A Linux Gazette article on compiling a custom kernel for RedHat

Also, this document assumes that lilo is used as the bootloader. If GRUB, Partition Magic, or some other boot loader is used, the instructions for modifying the lilo bootloader should be disregarded.

Some Prerequisites

Before compiling a kernel with the NeTraverse patches, make sure you can compile and test the kernel without any patches. This will save a lot of time in diagnosing potential problems in the patching/compiling process. A complete list of requirements for building a particular kernel can be found in Documentation/Changes file in the linux source tree (normally in /usr/src/linux). As an example, the following packages need to be installed in order to compile a kernel on RedHat (other distributions vary, but are generally similar):

  gcc (or kgcc or egcs on some versions of RedHat)

NOTE for 2.6 kernels: the package module-init-tools is needed both for compilation and for loading modules into the kernel once it is booted. Check for packages for your Linux distribution, or download the source code and build/install it from


Patching to enable your distribution kernel source requires four steps:

   1. Patching Your Kernel Source.
   2. Configuring the Kernel Source Code.
   3. Compiling the Kernel Source Code.
   4. Installing the NeTraverse-Enabled Kernel.

Patching Your Kernel Source

All of the examples below assume that the bash shell is being used, which is the default shell for most distributions. If you use tcsh or some other "c" type shell, then you will have to modify the examples to account for the differences.

When you patch a kernel, you modify the source code by adding or deleting lines of code according to the changes specified in a patch file.

   1. You will need to obtain the correct patch file from the NeTraverse Web site at The files available for download in the kernel patch page are designed for generic kernels from; if you wish to apply one of these patches to a Linux distribution's modified source code (such as a RedHat kernel), you will instead need to download the appropriate SRPM from You can then extract the compatible patch file from the SRPM as described here. NOTE: NeTraverse already makes binary replacement kernels for all supported Linux distributions. We recommend that you run the graphical installer (win4lin-install or wts-install, for Win4Lin or Win4Lin Terminal Server, respectively), and check online for updates. If no suitable kernel is found, we do not support your kernel at the moment. The only reason for recompiling a distribution (such as RedHat) kernel from source is usually to change its configuration. If this is not what you need to do, either use the graphical installer to find the appropriate binary kernel for you, or download a generic kernel from and apply the patches from Note that for 2.4 kernels you will need mki-adapter.patch, while for 2.6 kernels you will need mki-adapter*.patch, in addition to the appropriate Kernel-Win4Lin3*.patch file.

   2. Copy the patch file into your $HOME directory. You will need to select the patch that matches your distribution, version, and kernel number. Please read the information about patches on the Web site carefully. Important information is provided regarding patch selection.

   3. Copy the kernel source directory into your home directory by using these three commands:

      cd $HOME
      mkdir patched-linux
      cp -ravd /usr/src/linux/* patched-linux/.

Disk Space Requirements for the Kernel Source

Building a kernel requires at least 250 MB of hard disk space. You should copy the kernel source directory into a directory that has at least that amount of space available. The home directory is usually a good choice. Do not use /tmp or /root , as these directories usually have limited space available.

   4. Copy the patch files into the patched-linux directory you created in Step 2:

      cp patchname patched-linux/.

      Where patchname represents the name of the patch you will be using. For example, if you were running a 2.4.23, you would have used the corresponding patch. The command would have looked like:

      cp Kernel-Win4Lin3-2.4.23.patch patched-linux/.

      You will also need mki-adapter.patch for 2.4 kernels, or mki-adapter26*.patch for 2.6 kernels. Copy this file to your patched-linux directory after downloading it.

   5. Apply the patches by typing these commands:

      cd ~/patched-linux
      patch -p1 < patchname  > patch.log 2>&1
      patch -p1 < mki-adapter-patchname  >> patch.log 2>&1

   6. Check the file patch.log for errors using the following command:

      less patch.log

   7. Change the EXTRAVERSION in the Makefile so as not to conflict with your Distribution's kernel:

      perl -p -i -e "s/^EXTRAVERSION.*/EXTRAVERSION = -mywin4lin/" Makefile

If patch.log reports errors, you may not be able to install your NeTraverse product. If no errors are reported, you have successfully patched your kernel, and will be able to install your NeTraverse product.

Patching Errors

The patch.log file message HUNK FAILED means that specific code lines of the file being patched differ from what the patch program expected to find. If you receive this message, you cannot proceed in the build process until the changes specified by the HUNK FAILED message are applied to the kernel source. You can make these changes either by obtaining a new patch or by implementing the changes in the kernel source.

NOTE: Any patch errors that you wish to report to NeTraverse support should include the patch logs created above.

Configuring the Kernel Source Code

You will now need to configure the kernel by following these steps:

   1. Type the following sequence of commands. Your system must complete execution of each command before you can enter the next command. The copy of the .config file may fail if the source tree has already been cleaned. You can safely ignore an error on this command.

      cp .config config-save
      make distclean
      cp config-save .config
      make menuconfig

      The make menuconfig command generates a text-based menu that can be used to configure the kernel. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to navigate through the menu. To move into a submenu, hit the ENTER key. You can check and uncheck items using the SPACE bar. Use the TAB key or the RIGHT and LEFT arrow keys to switch between Select, Exit, and Help at the bottom of the menu. Once you are in a submenu, you can go back to the main menu by choosing Exit.

      If you are running an X Window System session you can use the command make xconfig instead of make menuconfig, which will create a GUI based configuration tool.

   2. In addition to your system specific configurations, you must make the following configuration settings in order for your kernel to work properly with Win4Lin.

    * Kernel versions 2.2.12 through 2.2.20 can support memory configurations greater than 1 GB. However, the NeTraverse products require memory configuration to be no greater than 1 GB. Therefore, under Processor type and features, be sure that Maximum Physical Memory is set to 1GB. Selecting 1GB creates the entry CONFIG_1GB=y in the .config file. NOTE that this applies only to 2.2.x kernels, which are no longer supported with Win4Lin 4.0/WTS 2.0 or greater.
    * Kernel version 2.4.0 and greater currently support a 64G memory model, which we only support in Win4Lin 3.0.7 (Server version 1.1.7) and above
    * In addition to any hardware that you may have that you wish to use, be sure the following options are enabled in your new kernel configuration:

Enable loadable module support
Networking support
System V IPC
Kernel support for ELF binaries
TCP/IP networking
ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem support
Include NeTraverse Win4Lin Support

      Additionally on 2.6 kernels, you must enable Module Unloading.

    * Once you have fully customized your kernel, Exit from the configuration tool.
    * Choose Yes to save the current configuration.

Compiling the Kernel Source

Modifying a kernel requires that you compile the source code with the following sequence of commands. Your system must complete execution of each command before your can enter the next command:

    make dep clean bzImage modules 2>&1  |  tee make.log

Then if all goes well and no errors are reported, as root (use "su root" or the equivelent) do the following:

    make modules_install

These commands complete the process of creating a NeTraverse-enabled kernel and the modules necessary for installing Win4Lin.

If you get errors and are unable to resolve them, please use the "make.log" file when reporting the errors or asking others for help.
Installing the NeTraverse-Enabled Kernel

As root (use "su root" or the equivilent), install the compiled NeTraverse-enabled kernel as the final step before installing the NeTraverse products by following these steps:

   1. Copy the compiled NeTraverse-enabled kernel into your boot directory by typing:

      cp ./arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/win4lin

   2. Add the following lines to the end of the /etc/lilo.conf file, using your favorite text editor:

      image = /boot/win4lin
      label = win4lin
      root = /dev/hda1

Be Consistent with Your System Configuration

If your root partition is not /dev/hda1 , you should change the line root = /dev/hda1 in the /etc/lilo.conf file accordingly. In a default Linux installation, the root partition of your NeTraverse-enabled kernel, indicated by label=win4lin , should be the same as the root partition of your Linux kernel, indicated by label=linux.

   3. Execute this command to apply your configuration changes:


   4. Reboot your system to load your new NeTraverse-enabled kernel by typing:

      /sbin/init 6

   5. Once the computer shuts down properly and begins to reboot, you will see a LILO prompt. At this prompt, boot the NeTraverse-enabled kernel by typing:


   6. Confirm that your NeTraverse-enabled 2.4 kernel has compiled properly by typing:

       grep mki_version_ /proc/ksyms

      If your system does not respond to the command, then your kernel did not compile correctly. However, if the NeTraverse-enabled kernel compiled properly, the following message will be displayed:

      c010e4d0 mki_version_x_x_x

      Where c010e4d0 is a memory address which will vary from system to system, and x_x_x is the version number of the patch.

      To confirm that your NeTraverse-enabled 2.6 kernel has compiled properly, type:

      modprobe mki-adapter
      cat /proc/mki-adapter/version

      If you get an error either from modprobe or cat, then your kernel did not compile or boot correctly. However, if the NeTraverse-enabled kernel compiled properly, the output of the cat command will show the corresponding mki-adapter26*.patch version number.

   7. You may wish to make your NeTraverse-enabled kernel the default kernel so that you do not have to type win4lin at the LILO prompt every time you boot your computer. To make the NeTraverse-enabled kernel the default kernel, open the file /etc/lilo.conf as the root user.

    * Change the default kernel line from

      default=linux to default=win4lin

    * Save the /etc/lilo.conf file.

    * Type the following command to change your system boot default:


Identify Your Default Kernel

The output of the /sbin/lilo command displays all the kernels that are defined in the /etc/lilo.conf file. The default kernel is marked with an asterisk (*).

Once you have successfully configured, compiled, and booted your NeTraverse-enabled kernel, you may install Win4Lin using the Win4Lin graphical installer provided on your Win4Lin CD or obtained from the member download page. (See Chapter 1- Installation, for information about preparing your system to install Win4Lin.)

If you encounter any problems while configuring and rebuilding your kernel, contact NeTraverse support for additional assistance (

win4lin的官方网站上没有.这里搜索:另----各种版本的win4lin也都有. ... c&action=search


安装时应该注意的: ... 40&pagenumber=6
发表于 2004-7-13 18:19:05 | 显示全部楼层
但loadwindows CD时显示 不能运行Xterm
发表于 2004-7-13 18:25:56 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 alzhao 发表
但loadwindows CD时显示 不能运行Xterm

win4lin安装容易失败的关键问题--- 安装点击没反应之解决办法

看到很多兄弟都遇到了这个问题,我也遇到了。winsetup 出来界面,让选择安装源的时候,没有反应。
在root虚拟终端下输入 loadwindowsCD -----打个loadwi,按tab就出来了,再终端里就可以安装了。在终端里输入 loadwindowsCD fromdir 你的98的路径 就行了。按照提示。没有必要必须是光盘。我就是解压到硬盘上的。 我的例子 # loadwindowsCD fromdir /home/william/win98 相当于 第一步

注意这里要准备一个dos启动盘。 如果没有软驱,可以用img文件。论坛里有下载
 楼主| 发表于 2004-7-24 14:23:17 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2004-7-26 14:22:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-1-6 23:00:22 | 显示全部楼层
Post by linusware
win4lin安装容易失败的关键问题--- 安装点击没反应之解决办法

看到很多兄弟都遇到了这个问题,我也遇到了。winsetup 出来界面,让选择安装源的时候,没有反应。
在root虚拟终端下输入 loadwindowsCD -----打个loadwi,按tab就出来了,再终端里就可以安装了。在终端里输入 loadwindowsCD fromdir 你的98的路径 就行了。按照提示。没有必要必须是光盘。我就是解压到硬盘上的。 我的例子 # loadwindowsCD fromdir /home/william/win98 相当于 第一步

注意这里要准备一个dos启动盘。 如果没有软驱,可以用img文件。论坛里有下载

发表于 2005-1-7 09:14:02 | 显示全部楼层
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