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几个基本系统问题,望小虾们出手相救 :)

发表于 2004-11-27 08:50:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.我的机器里已经有了win2k和redhat9,现在想装一个gentoo,能不能利用原来的分区,就是说gentoo和redhat用相同的/boot /swap /,如果可以

,那启动时系统怎么知道要启动哪一个系统,怎么挂载分区? 怎么做才能是2个linux系统用同一个/swap?
2.如果我新分一个区来装gentoo,grub 还要重装吗? 能不能用redhat原来的grub?
3.如果我把redhat的分区格式化了,grub还能用吗?  2k还能启动吗?
4.怎么删除grub? 是不是在dos下 fdisk /mbr?
5.因为我家里不能上网,我想从公司下载软件回去安装, 要怎么做? 这样是不是不能用emerge了?
发表于 2004-11-27 10:11:40 | 显示全部楼层
1. /swap can be shared but /boot is not suggested!  In theory, /boot can be shared provide that you have one-to-one kernel for each individual distro, I mean one kernel for gentoo and the other for RH.  However, you could easily mess up if you need kernel upgrade and when you are editing your configuration file for your boot loader.  So, don't share /boot.

I have Debian, LFS, Gentoo installed in the same HDD in separate partitions, they all share the same /swap.

In fact, if you have several OSes, e.g. different distributions of Linux and BSD etc, you may consider to have a common /home so that your data could be shared by all OSes.

2.  You don't need to install grub again, you can edit the configuration file in RH to boot gentoo.

3.  Yes.  Certainly, you cannot boot RH.

4.  Yes, if your grub is installed in MBR.

5.  Yes, you can use emerge by defining the search path for emerge.

Download the gentoo package CD from gentoo mirror.  The package CD have numerous pre-compiled binaries for you to emerge.
发表于 2004-11-27 11:04:39 | 显示全部楼层
5.建议下Universal LiveCD和Package CD。
Package CD里有编译好了的2进制包,包括那些常用而又编译最花时间的,如kde,gnome,mozilla,openoffice等。如果你愿意花钱可以去官方网站购买2004.3的DVD,里面包括gentoo所有编译好了的2进制包。
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-27 11:28:51 | 显示全部楼层
多谢2为大老 ,
如果装了2个linux,在启动是,他怎么知道要按 哪一个fstab来挂载?
在哪里有记录 正在启动的系统对应的分区信息?
发表于 2004-11-27 11:31:57 | 显示全部楼层
You define it in your boot loader configuration file, i.e. menu.lst or grub.conf
发表于 2004-11-27 11:34:35 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 calfenyin 发表
多谢2为大老 ,
如果装了2个linux,在启动是,他怎么知道要按 哪一个fstab来挂载?
在哪里有记录 正在启动的系统对应的分区信息?

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