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非官方 fedora FAQ 的中文翻译

发表于 2003-11-12 10:24:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The Unofficial #fedora FAQ
Contents The FAQ Contact
NOTE: This is not an official form of support. This is not an official service of Red Hat. These things may solve your worst nightmare, or they may eat all of the cheese in your house. I make no guarantees. YMMV.

If you have a question which is not answered here
Ask it in the Unofficial #fedora Forum (FAQ section)
Ask in the #fedora IRC Channel
About Fedora
What is this Fedora Core 1 thing?
Is it unstable?
Has it been released?
Where do I get it?
Does up2date still work?
Can I install on ReiserFS or JFS?
Getting and Installing Fedora Software
Where can I get software for Fedora? Updated 10 Nov 2003
How do I get software onto my computer? Updated 10 Nov 2003
How do I install Java?
Problems and Their Solutions
I get a warning about NOKEY / some gpg signature error! Updated 11 Nov 2003
What's wrong with my ATI Radeon 9600 / 9800?
What's wrong with my Intel D845 / D865 motherboard or similar IDE controller (disk space error)?
I have problems with Flash in Mozilla!
What's wrong with my nVidia drivers / my Quake3/RtCW/ET? Updated 10 Nov 2003
My 3com card doesn't work!
How do I make ALSA work? Updated 10 Nov 2003
How do I make XMMS play MP3s?
How do I make Rhythmbox play MP3s?
d00d you skuc
About Fedora
Q: What is this Fedora Core 1 thing?
A: Read the official page a bit.
Now, I'll give you a brief rundown -- You can think of Fedora Core 1 as something like Red Hat Linux 10, except:

It's now a community project. Its development happens on public mailing lists. See the Fedora website for more about this.
Support is only provided official from the Fedora Project for 6 - 8 months per version. This means upgrading your OS every 6 - 8 months. The upgrades should be relatively painless, much like RH 8 - RH 9. The painlessness is not guaranteed.
If you don't want to upgrade every 6 - 8 months, there is something called the Fedora Legacy Project which hopes to patch in important security fixes to unsupported Fedora builds for as long as possible.
Fedora Core versions are released on a time schedule, instead of When They're Ready (TM).
Q: Is it unstable?
A: No!
Q: Has it been released?
A: Yes! Fedora Core 1 (Yarrow) has been released!
Q: Where do I get it?
A: Normal Download or BitTorrent
Q: Does up2date still work?
A: Yes! It no longer uses the Red Hat Network (RHN). However, it should still work. The tray applet does not seem to work correctly, at the moment, but if you actually run up2date, it works.
Also see the getting software question for an alternate way to install software and keep updated.

Q: Can I install on ReiserFS or JFS?
A: Yes, you actually can install Fedora on ReiserFS or JFS. Note that neither of these filesystems are supported by the Fedora Project. (That means that you can use them, but you won't find any official help from the Fedora Project if things go wrong.)
At the installer prompt, type either linux reiser or linux jfs. (Thanks to whiprush [quoting Jesse Keating] for this.)

Getting and Installing Software
Q: Where can I get software for Fedora?
A: (Updated 10 Nov 2003) There are a few "repositories" (sites that hold software). The primary sites are the highly unofficial (for packages with questionable licenses) and the more official Fedora Project Repository. They hold different software.
Q: How do I get software onto my computer?
A: The easiest way is to use yum. Copy this yum.conf (Updated 10 Nov 2003) over your /etc/yum.conf. You will need to be root to do that. In fact, you need to be root to do all of the following.
Now, you can do yum list available | grep -v "debuginfo" | egrep "livna|fedora" to see what software you can download. To install some software, you type yum install packagename. To update, you type yum update packagename.

Note that the provided yum.conf here may be updated in the future, if this one stops working if/when things are changed around.

For more info about yum, see the yum project page. (Thanks to Ron Kuris for this tip.)

Q: Where are the Fedora Extras & Alternatives?
A: I believe they are the repositories in the yum.conf from the above question.
Q: How do I install Java?
A: The easiest way is to use Sun's Java RPM:
Go to the Java Runtime Download Page.
Scroll down and find the line that says "Linux RPM in self-extracting file." Click on the "Download" link in the JRE column.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and hit "Accept."
Click on the big link to download. Save the file in your home directory. The download will take a little while.
Open a Terminal.
Type sh j2re*rpm.bin
Become root. (su -)
Type rpm -Uvh j2re-*.rpm -- there will be a bit of whirring.
Create a file called in /etc/profile.d/ (If you're not too sure about how to do this, the easiest way is gedit /etc/profile.d/
This file should contain the following lines (with the first line modified appropriately, according to what's actually in /usr/java/):

export JAVA_HOME="/usr/java/j2re1.4.2_02"
export PATH="$PATHJAVA_HOME/bin"
Type chmod +x /etc/profile.d/
Java should now work properly. You may need to restart your computer for certain things to function properly.
To install the browser plugin for java, as root, do: ln -sf /usr/java/<YourJavaDirectory>/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/ /usr/lib/mozilla-1.4.1/plugins -- note that you need to replace <YourJavaDirectory> with the name of the actual directory that's there.

Problems and Their Solutions
Q: I get a warning about NOKEY / some gpg signature error!
A: Updated 11 Nov 2003 The NOKEY warning is not really a problem. It won't prevent you from doing anything. If you'd like to resolve it, do the following command to get the correct key for the site you're downloading from:
You must be root to do any of this. rpm --import rpm --import
FreshRPMs: rpm --import
DAG: rpm --import
ATrpms: (I don't know, yet)
Q: What's wrong with my ATI Radeon 9600 / 9800?
A: Support for the Radeon 9800 is experimental, and there was a bug in the original Fedora Core. There will be a patch released. This means that the installer doesn't work correctly with the Radeon 9800. This may also apply to the Radeon 9600 in various ways.
Q: What's wrong with my Intel D845 / D865 motherboard or similar IDE controller (disk space error)?
A: If you get an error message with the installer, you need to do linux ide=nodma. The error message that some people get is: An error occurred transferring the install image to your hard drive. You are probably out of disk space. (Thanks to StarHeart for this.)
Q: I have problems with Flash in Mozilla!
A: There are a few things that could cause this. Here's how to rectify it:
Download the Flash Plugin RPM to your home directory. (Choose the one for "Fedora Core 1" after you pick your location.)
Open a Terminal
Become root: "su -"
Type rpm -Uvh flash-plugin-*.i386.rpm -- the Flash plugin should now be installed correctly.
If it complains about you needing certain packages, those packages are in the CDs. They are also in the Fedora Core base RPMs . You install them the same way as the Flash RPM above (rpm -Uvh packagename).

The package you will most likely need is compat-libstdc++. As root, type yum install compat-libstc++ to get it. (Thanks to various IRC folks and vegan_linuxguy for troubleshooting this.)

Q: What's wrong with my nVidia drivers / my Quake3/RtCW/ET?
A: Updated 10 Nov 2003 Make sure you have the lastest drivers.
Now print this out, or write it down. Then:

You must have kernel-source installed for this to work. Check the "Add/Remove Applications" tool in System Settings on the red-hat menu.
Shut down X (as root, do telinit 3 in a terminal).
Log in as root and go to the directory where you downloaded the nVidia drivers.
Type CC="gcc32" sh --add-this-kernel.
There will be some whirring and wailing, and then do CC="gcc32" sh That will do a correct install of your nVidia drivers.
Follow nVidia's instructions to set up the driver. (Read the "EDITING YOUR XF86CONFIG FILE" section.)
You can now restart X by typing telinit 5.
If you continue to have trouble, try typing _GL_SINGLE_THREADED=1 yourprogramname to start your game instead of the normal way you do it.

If none of this works, do rpm -e --nodeps XFree86-Mesa-libGL and then restart your computer. The need to do this should soon be eliminated -- watch this FAQ or the fedora-list. Note that if you update XFree86, this package will be reinstalled and you will need to remove it again. This solves the "DRI" problem.

Q: My 3com card doesn't work!
A: Okay, first, look at this bugzilla bug. There are known problems with the 3Com 3c905B/TX and how it interacts with kudzu.
If you want to disable kudzu (which detects when you have new hardware) this will resolve the issue for now. As root, in a Terminal, type chkconfig kudzu off -- after you reboot, your card should work. (Thanks to jroysdon for pointing this out.)

I personally have worked around these problems with the following process. Note that this process is probably not reccomended by Red Hat, since it uses non-standard drivers. If you use PCMCIA (those laptop cards), this may cause you trouble.

You must have kernel-source installed for this to work. Check the "Add/Remove Applications" tool in System Settings on the red-hat menu.
Download Donald Becker's netdrivers to your home directory.
Open a Terminal
Do cd ~;mkdir netdrivers;cd netdrivers
Unzip the netdrivers using tar -xzf ../netdrivers*.
Compile them using make CC="gcc32"
Become root.
Do make install.
Restart your computer, but watch out for kudzu. That means that if a blue-and-red screen comes up asking you something about 3Com, say "IGNORE"
That may resolve your problems. It also may eat all the cheese.

Q: How do I make ALSA work?
A: Updated 10 Nov 2003 You can get ALSA RPMs for Fedora Core from the FreshRPMs Fedora FTP
At a minimum, you need alsa-driver and the kernel-module-alsa for your processor. (For example, I have an athlon, so I need kernel-smp-module-alsa-0.9.8-4.fr_2.4.22_1.2115.nptl.athlon.rpm

You also most likely need alsa-lib and alsa-utils.

Make sure that you download the normal RPMs, and not the Source RPMs (Source RPMs end in .src.rpm).

You will then need to configure ALSA for your computer. Pick your card out of the ALSA soundcard matrix for instructions.

Q: How do I make XMMS play MP3s?
A: Before I talk about this, you should know: In the United States and other countries, you legally must pay patent royalties to use MP3 players or encoders.
With that said, the plugins for these things are usually in the repository.

Set up your yum.conf to be able to access (See the question about getting Fedora software)
Open a Terminal.
Become root. (su -)
Type yum install xmms-mp3.
Q: How do I make Rhythmbox play MP3s?
A: Remember, there are legal issues. See the XMMS question.
With that said, there are a few ways to do this:

Follow the instructions in vegan_linuxguy's forum post.
Use the prebuilt RPM at this site.
Get the RPM of gstreamer-plugins from DAG's RPM repository. Note that it has a lot of dependencies that you'll have to get from DAG and FreshRPMs.
Q: d00d you skuc
A: Wow, that's a great question.

Rub your hands together really fast.
发表于 2003-11-12 10:37:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-11-12 11:46:51 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-4-19 00:40:39 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2004-12-8 22:33:06 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2004-12-8 23:19:11 | 显示全部楼层
好像这就是不喜欢和外国人联系的一个例子。你不如把翻译这一页的活计接下来,和他们的站长直接联系!不过好像那个 FAQ 真够长的
最好用比较先进的翻译方法,找 cmpp 计划的 zongyaotang 或者 那些大牛们,他们有自动翻译工具
至少要有一个 cvs 来储存自己翻译的东西。在 linuxsir 的 freeway 中开几个页面吧,大家一起做。有 cvs 会很方便的
发表于 2004-12-8 23:32:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-12-9 00:03:55 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2004-12-9 09:04:40 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 xiaoshao_0_0 发表

发表于 2004-12-9 09:14:59 | 显示全部楼层
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