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发表于 2005-1-23 02:01:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Q: I just upgraded my kernel, and now the NVIDIA kernel module will not
   load.  What is wrong?

A: The kernel interface layer of the NVIDIA kernel module must be
   compiled specifically for the configuration and version of your kernel.
   If you upgrade your kernel, then the simplest solution is to reinstall
   the driver.

   ADVANCED: You can install the NVIDIA kernel module for a non
   running kernel (for example: in the situation where you just built
   and installed a new kernel, but have not rebooted yet) with a command
   line such as this:

    sh --kernel-name='KERNEL_NAME'

   Where 'KERNEL_NAME' is what `uname -r` would report if the target
   kernel were running.
 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-23 02:22:57 | 显示全部楼层
Q: I have rebuilt the NVIDIA kernel module, but when I try to insert
   it, I get a message telling me I have unresolved symbols.

A. Unresolved symbols are most often caused by a mismatch between your
   kernel sources and your running kernel.  They must match for the
   NVIDIA kernel module to build correctly.  Please make sure your kernel
   sources are installed and configured to match your running kernel.
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-1-23 02:40:14 | 显示全部楼层
Q: I cannot build the NVIDIA kernel module, or I can build the NVIDIA
   kernel module, but modprobe/insmod fails to load the module into
   my kernel.  What is wrong?

A: These problems are generally caused by the build using the wrong kernel
   header files (ie header files for a different kernel version than
   the one you are running).  The convention used to be that kernel
   header files should be stored in "/usr/include/linux/", but that
   is deprecated in favor of "/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include".
   The nvidia-installer should be able to determine the location on your
   system; however, if you encounter a problem you can force the build
   to use certain header files by using the --kernel-include-dir option.
   Obviously, for this to work, you need the appropriate kernel header
   files installed on your system.  Consult the documentation that came
   with your distribution; some distributions do not install the kernel
   header files by default, or they install headers that do not coincide
   properly with the kernel you are running.
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发表于 2005-1-23 20:12:10 | 显示全部楼层
Post by Murder9527

Q: I just upgraded my kernel, and now the NVIDIA kernel module will not
   load.  What is wrong?

A: The kernel interface layer of the NVIDIA kernel module must be
   compiled specifically for the configuration and version of your kernel.
   If you upgrade your kernel, then the simplest solution is to reinstall
   the driver.

   ADVANCED: You can install the NVIDIA kernel module for a non
   running kernel (for example: in the situation where you just built
   and installed a new kernel, but have not rebooted yet) with a command
   line such as this:

    sh --kernel-name='KERNEL_NAME'

   Where 'KERNEL_NAME' is what `uname -r` would report if the target
   kernel were running.

  sh --kernel-name='KERNEL_NAME'
  其中‘KERNEL_NAME’是假如运行目标核心的话,uname -r 所报出的内容。
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发表于 2005-1-23 20:25:00 | 显示全部楼层
Post by Murder9527
Q: I have rebuilt the NVIDIA kernel module, but when I try to insert
   it, I get a message telling me I have unresolved symbols.

A. Unresolved symbols are most often caused by a mismatch between your
   kernel sources and your running kernel.  They must match for the
   NVIDIA kernel module to build correctly.  Please make sure your kernel
   sources are installed and configured to match your running kernel.

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发表于 2005-1-23 20:55:49 | 显示全部楼层
Post by Murder9527
Q: I cannot build the NVIDIA kernel module, or I can build the NVIDIA
   kernel module, but modprobe/insmod fails to load the module into
   my kernel.  What is wrong?

A: These problems are generally caused by the build using the wrong kernel
   header files (ie header files for a different kernel version than
   the one you are running).  The convention used to be that kernel
   header files should be stored in "/usr/include/linux/", but that
   is deprecated in favor of "/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include".
   The nvidia-installer should be able to determine the location on your
   system; however, if you encounter a problem you can force the build
   to use certain header files by using the --kernel-include-dir option.
   Obviously, for this to work, you need the appropriate kernel header
   files installed on your system.  Consult the documentation that came
   with your distribution; some distributions do not install the kernel
   header files by default, or they install headers that do not coincide
   properly with the kernel you are running.

答:这些问题一般是由于在建立模块时使用了错误的核心头文件(就是说与你的运行核心版本不同的头文件)。常规是,头文件应放在/usr/include/linux目录中,但放在/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/include中是不同的偏好。nvidia安装程序应当能够确定(头文件)在你的系统中的位置;然而,如果你碰到问题,你可以用--kernel-include-dir选项来强制使用某个头文件。显然,这样做的话,你要在系统中安装合适的头文件。参考分发版所带的文档;某些分发版默认并不安装核心头文件,或安装的头文件对你的运行核心并不合适。
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