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Sun is Open Sourcing Solaris OS【已经开源了】

发表于 2005-6-17 19:41:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sun is Open Sourcing Solaris OS
Today, June 14, 2005, is Opening Day for OpenSolaris.

Dear Sun Community Member:

Sun has open sourced its Solaris operating system.

OpenSolaris is an open source project. It's also a community and a website for collaboration, conversation, source, downloads, mailing lists, events and developer tools — all available at OpenSolaris includes a single source base for SPARC and x86/x64. It features all the key innovations that we recently delivered in the Solaris 10 OS — unparalleled features like DTrace and Containers and Predictive Self-Healing.

The Solaris 10 OS is the latest version of Sun's tested, certified and supported enterprise operating system, available free for download. Future versions of the Solaris operating system will be based on technology from OpenSolaris. Sun will continue to invest in delivering a high quality, highly secure and reliable commercial Solaris Operating System, with the same amount of extensive quality testing and security protection as always expected. With OpenSolaris, we'll get the most advanced operating system on the planet — millions of lines of newly opened source code — into more people's hands. To stimulate innovation.

Sun's heritage is in open standards and open source. Open sourcing the Solaris OS makes good business sense for Sun and our developers and customers. OpenSolaris allows Sun and our partners to bid on and participate in projects that require open source software. It also enables developers and partners to leverage Sun technology for their own purposes. The end result will be an expanded ecosystem and market opportunities for Sun systems and services (and for our partners, ISVs, resellers and community members!).

You can find out more at, or if you're interested in participating in the OpenSolaris community, And, for the week of June 14th, we'll be talking about OpenSolaris at Please check it out and let us know what you think. And, if you're as excited about this as we are, please help to spread the word!

If you have any questions or feedback, please send a message to

Thank you,
Sun Microsystems
 楼主| 发表于 2005-6-17 19:45:20 | 显示全部楼层



OpenSolaris的源代码由多个部分组成,采用了多个开放源代码授权协议,但是以Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL)的1.0版本为主。基于现有开放源代码项目的源代码将继续使用该项目当前使用的开放源代码授权协议。某些二进制部分将采用 OpenSolaris Binary License,另外一些则使用其他的开放源代码授权协议。

当问到, Sun公司推出Solaris的开放源代码版本的决定是否来源于Linux的竞争压力时,SUN公司负责平台软件的副总裁Tom Goguen称,公司在20年前就研发开源技术-BSD Unix。“BSD Unix技术的开发者也是Sun公司的联合创始人,也是开源软件的创始人之一。我们是向开源社区贡献开源软件的第二大实体,仅次于加州大学。而从 OpenSolaris正式开放源代码开始,我们成为开源软件最大的贡献者。”


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