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Several fatal problems occured after installing arch

发表于 2005-10-6 19:40:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hello, every body:
I just installed achlinux, and upgraded to the newest packages. But there are several problems:
1. gnome-terminal cannot work:
When I launch gnome-terminal, a dialog popup with the following error message:
  1. There was an error creating the child process for this terminal

And I cannot type any letter on the terminal window.
I searched the net and I knew it was the problem of udev, but I did'nt find any solution.
Had anyone  have this problem any solved it sucessfully?
2. I canot find the "Run.." dialog where you can type the comand and launch a program. And the gnome menus did not update when an new package had been installed . So  they could not be launched. What is the name of the  package?
3. Could anyone post you faverite servers for installing packages (/etc/pacman.conf)?
My archlinux's kernel version is 2.6.13
Thank you in advance!
发表于 2005-10-6 23:39:12 | 显示全部楼层
我也刚刚超级了内核和gnome2.12(用pacman -Syu),没有出现问题。gnome速度很快(可能是心理作用)。
upgrading kernel26... done.
>>> If you use the LILO bootloader, you should run 'lilo' before rebooting.
>>> -------------------------------
>>> As of kernel26 2.6.13, DevFS is NO LONGER AVAILABLE!
>>> If you still use DevFS, please make the transition to uDev before
>>> rebooting.  If you really need to stay with DevFS for some reason,
>>> then you can manually downgrade to an older version of kernel26:
>>> # pacman -U >>>
>>> If you choose to downgrade, don't forget to add kernel26 to your
>>> IgnorePkg list in /etc/pacman.conf
>>> (NOTE: The following portion applies to uDev users as well!)
>>> If you use any DevFS paths in your GRUB menu.lst, then you will not
>>> be able to boot!  Change your root= parameter to use the classic
>>> naming scheme.
>>> - change root=/dev/discs/disc0/part3 to root=/dev/hda3
>>> - change root=/dev/md/0 to root=/dev/md0
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-7 09:56:04 | 显示全部楼层
Problem #2 solved:
I copyed /etc/fstab from gentoo linux to archlinux, so It it did'not work. There are some differences between the gentoo and arch.
After adding the following line to the /etc/fstab,
  1. none                    /dev/pts        devpts          defaults                0       0

and mounting /dev/pts, the gnome-terminal work!
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发表于 2005-10-10 21:55:22 | 显示全部楼层
2. I canot find the "Run.." dialog where you can type the comand and launch a program. And the gnome menus did not update when an new package had been installed . So they could not be launched. What is the name of the package?

It is meant to be. New gnome-menu hides such dialog from main menu, but you can still access to it by shortcut "ctrl+r", however why the hell you need that, terminal will be a better place to do it if you have to type one command manually.
3. Could anyone post you faverite servers for installing packages (/etc/pacman.conf)?
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 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-11 12:27:45 | 显示全部楼层
Post by ganloo
It is meant to be. New gnome-menu hides such dialog from main menu, but you can still access to it by shortcut "ctrl+r", however why the hell you need that, terminal will be a better place to do it if you have to type one command manually.

当时gnome-terminal不可用. 用ALT+F2可以调出那个"运行应用程序"那个对话框
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