发表于 2005-11-17 18:55:22
在linux windows和bsd下都能进行写操作。
我做的方法是刻了一张体积最小的 linux 的livecd ,什么版本都行;只要能用就行;然后把下载下来的文件 放在usb 盘中。挂载 usb盘 ,也就是mount;然后就是写入了。。。因为我没有读卡器,所以只能用笨办法写入了。如果有读卡器,在哪个操作系统下都能方便写入。然后再插在路由机上。。。
用slackware 的第一张盘也行。
* FreeBSD:
gzcat generic-pc-xxx.img | dd of=/dev/rad[n] bs=16k
where n = the ad device number of your CF card (check dmesg)
(ignore the warning about trailing garbage - it's because of the digital signature)
* Linux:
gunzip -c generic-pc-xxx.img | dd of=/dev/hdX bs=16k
where X = the IDE device name of your HD/CF card (check with hdparm -i /dev/hdX) - some CF adapters, particularly USB, may show up under SCSI emulation as /dev/sdX
(ignore the warning about trailing garbage - it's because of the digital signature)
* Windows:
(use the -u flag if the target disk is > 800 MB - make very sure you've selected the right disk!!)
physdiskwrite [-u] generic-pc-xxx.img
(you must use v0.3 or later!) |