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您准备阅读《Understanding Linux Network Internals》吗?

发表于 2006-4-27 06:07:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
您准备阅读《Understanding Linux Network Internals》吗?
借贵宝地发个贴:)您准备阅读《Understanding Linux Network Internals》吗?
你准备研究这本可以媲美TCP/IP三卷的经典书籍吗 您愿意参与一起来将她翻译成中文吗
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对Linux IP代码实现感兴趣的,请您看过来
如果您学习过网络协议的原理、如果您阅读过W.Richard Stevens 的《TCP/IP详解》(三卷本)、如果您正在研究或者以后准备做网络安全产品的研发,如果您对IP协议的深入研究感兴趣,那么请您看过来。
(W.Richard Stevens(1951-1999),国际知名的UNIX和网络专家,受人尊敬的作家。他的著作有《UNIX网络编程》(两卷本),《UNIX网络高级编程》,《TCP/IP详解》(三卷本)等,同时他还是广受欢迎的教师和顾问。)
LINUX操作系统以网络应用见长,许多网络产品、网络安全产品都是在LINUX/UNIX系统下开发、应用的。比如router,switch,firewall, IDS,sniffer,vpn ...有许多技术实力雄厚的公司,在LINUX IP协议栈代码的基础上彻底重写了这些代码,来实现他们自己的安全产品(加固代码、避开GNU版权要求开放代码的麻烦)。 所有这些产品的研发都需要对IP协议栈的代码有较深入的研究。
Linux的源代码是一座丰富的宝库,认真研究这座宝库可以让我们洞悉操作系统、应用程序的内在精髓。于是,各种LINUX内核阅读的书籍不断涌现。然而没有哪一本能够系统的、深入浅出的带一道我们去研究IP协议栈的代码。我们所需要的是向《内核注释》、《内核详解》之类的讲解IP协议栈代码的书。我们可以参考的书也只有上面提到的大牛W.Richard Stevens写的 《TCP/IP详解》,尤其是卷2 扼要的提到了NETBSD的实现代码。(linux的协议栈是在NETBSD协议栈代码基础上重写的)。还有一本书名字很对口,《linux协议栈代码分析》,然而这本书读者评价很烂,该书的代码是2.0内核的,并且代码占了450页,分析很不清楚(估计是原作者老外也象许多国内的东拼西凑出书人一样)。
这本书就是《Understanding Linux Network Internals 》。该书的作者操作系统设计网络部分的专家,他不仅讲解了代码是如何工作的,他还向读者展示了主要的网络特性的目的,以及选择一种实现方法而不是另一种方法的棘手的权衡。

If you've ever wondered how Linux carries out the complicated tasks assigned to it by the IP protocols -- or if you just want to learn about modern networking through real-life examples -- Understanding Linux Network Internals is for you.
Like the popular O'Reilly book, Understanding the Linux Kernel, this book clearly explains the underlying concepts and teaches you how to follow the actual C code that implements it. Although some background in the TCP/IP protocols is helpful, you can learn a great deal from this text about the protocols themselves and their uses. And if you already have a base knowledge of C, you can use the book's code walkthroughs to figure out exactly what this sophisticated part of the Linux kernel is doing.
Part of the difficulty in understanding networks -- and implementing them -- is that the tasks are broken up and performed at many different times by different pieces of code. One of the strengths of this book is to integrate the pieces and reveal the relationships between far-flung functions and data structures. Understanding Linux Network Internals is both a big-picture discussion and a no-nonsense guide to the details of Linux networking. Topics include:
Key problems with networking
Network interface card (NIC) device drivers
System initialization
Layer 2 (link-layer) tasks and implementation
Layer 3 (IPv4) tasks and implementation
Neighbor infrastructure and protocols (ARP)
Author Christian Benvenuti, an operating system designer specializing in networking, explains much more than how Linux code works. He shows the purposes of major networking features and the trade-offs involved in choosing one solution over another. A large number of flowcharts and other diagrams enhance the book's understandability.

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发表于 2007-2-1 18:56:29 | 显示全部楼层
其实我更喜欢读原版的, unp我看了一半多了. 下面一本就是她了.呵呵
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发表于 2007-3-19 21:21:40 | 显示全部楼层
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