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发表于 2006-5-20 21:50:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I installed Fedora Core 4 Linux on this machine and configured it to dual boot with the existing copy of Windows XP Home Edition that came pre-installed. In order to do this I used PartitionMagic to split the hard drive into two equal 20 GB partitions by simply resizing the Windows partition down to 20 GB. The remaining unpartitioned space was automatically formatted and transformed into the appropriate Linux partitions by the Fedora Core 4 installer. I used my own Fedora Core 4 Installation Notes as the installation guide. The only deviations from this guide are as follows:

At boot use "linux vga=771 ide=nodma" as boot kernel options. (Type "linux vga=771 ide=nodma" at the boot prompt that comes up when you first boot the installation media and hit enter.) Because the "ide=nodma" boot option disables direct memory access the installation takes a very long time. Don't despair however because everything works out fine later. I just started the installation and went to bed. In the morning I was able to remove these boot options from my grub.conf file after first boot and then do my yum update as described below. (Later I purchased and installed additional RAM memory for the notebook and when I did my second Fedora Core 4 installation I was able to use the boot option "linux vga=771" without "ide=nodma". This made for a much faster installation.)

When you get to the "Display" configuration page after first boot click on the "Configure..." button after "Unknown monitor with VESA driver (generic)" and select "LCD Panel 1024x768" under (expanded) "Generic LCD Display". Then click the "Resolution:" button and select 1024x768. (We install the ATI OpenGL driver later as described below.) When you get to the "Sound Card" page and hit the "lay test sound" button answer "Yes" to "Did you hear the sample sound" even if you did not. We will correct this later as described below.

When the installation completes and you have done the first boot open a terminal, edit /boot/grub/grub.conf ("gedit /boot/grub/grub.conf") as root and remove "ide=nodma" from the kernel line. Reboot and then as root import the Fedora Core key ("rpm --import /usr/share/doc/fedora-release-*/*GPG-KEY*") and do a "yum update". When the installation has updated reboot into the new kernel and log in as root.

As root right click on the bottom right speaker icon, select "Open Volume Control", select "Edit" > "references", tick all the check boxes, click "Close", and under the "Switches" tab tick in the check boxes for "Mic Boost", "IEC958" and "External Amplifier". Do this first logged in as root and then as you regular user. This will enable the integrated sound card functionality.

In order to get the "volume up", "volume down", and "volume mute" buttons along the top of the keyboard to work use the Gnome key bindings application. Log in as root. Click on "Desktop" > "references" > "Keyboard Shortcuts". Scroll down to "Sound", click on "Volume mute" and press the center volume mute button. Click on "Volume down" and press the left (volume down) button. Click on "Volume up" and press the right (volume up) button. Note that the mute button toggles sound muting on and off with each key-press. If you make a mistake hit the backspace key, click on the entry again, and press the appropriate key. After you complete this procedure as root do it again logged in as your regular user.

ATI OpenGL driver for ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 5955 (PCIE):
Go to and download the ATI driver installer from the "Linux Drivers and Software" > "Linux x86" > "RADEON 8500 Series and higher" page. This should save the file to your home folder. If it saves the file to your desktop instead go to your desktop and drag the file into your "Home" folder. (Left mouse click on the file and drag it on top of your "Home" folder while holding the left mouse button down. Then release the mouse button.)

If you have not already done so open a terminal and do a "yum install kernel-devel gcc compat-libstdc++-33" as root to provide the proper build environment for the ATI dirver. (Note that you will not have to do this if you have done the "everything" install. In that case the kernel-devel, gcc and compat-libstdc++-33 packages will already be installed.) Make sure that one of the kernels listed when you run "ls /usr/src/kernels" matches the kernel listed when you do a "uname -rm". If not do a "yum clean all" followed by a "yum update" as root.

Back up your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.

As root run "sh" in the same directory into which you downloaded the driver. When the "ATI Proprietary Linux Driver" dialog comes up leave the default selection selected and click "Continue". Click the "I Agree" button on the "License Agreement" page. Leave "Automatic" selected on the "lease choose the mode of installation" page. You will see the progress bar fill in as the installation completes. Then click the "Exit" button. (Note that you will have to re-build the driver each time you install a new kernel.)

As root run "fglrxconfig" and accept all defaults except enter "1" for "1. U.S. English" for the "lease select the layout corresponding to your keyboard" option and "1" for "1. Change the modes for 24-bit (24-bit color)" and enter "321" so that "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" for 24-bit" is selected. Then select "2" for "2. The modes are OK, continue.". Continue selecting the defaults and type "y" for "yes" at "Shall I write it to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'". Hit enter. Hit enter again. Reboot your machine. After you reboot you will see a message asking whether you want to use X settings or Gnome settings for your keyboard. Choose X settings.

Run "fglrxinfo". You should see something like:

display: :0.0  screen: 0
OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: RADEON XPRESS 200M Series SW TCL Generic
OpenGL version string: 1.3.5519 (X4.3.0-8.20.8)
Run "glxgears" and "fgl_glxgears" to see 3d acceleration in action.
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