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Sparc and Niagara support in Ubuntu

发表于 2006-5-31 10:58:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Mark shuttleworth ,5/30/2006
Today we announced that Dapper will include full support for SPARC, and in particular for the UlstraSPARC T1 (the “Niagara” architecture) in all its multicore multithread glory.

I would credit the Linux/SPARC community (and David Miller in particular), and the OpenSPARC community, with the speed of this port moving from “first code” to production supportable. When I first saw David speaking about Niagara support at LCA in Dunedin in January, we all thought that Dapper could support traditional SPARC at release but then get Niagara support some months later in an update.

But the fervour with which the community at large under David’s leadership attacked the problem has meant that Linux on Niagara has progressed far faster than we expected - so much so that the first SPARC CD release of Dapper (which will be uploaded a little after the other architectures when we make the Dapper release) will support most UltraSPARC T1 machines out of the box. David - wow! Thanks for that leadership. I guess we have to add your SPARC work to the list of things for which the free software community have to thank Red Hat

wanna see the whole artical??the URL is here:
发表于 2006-6-1 08:33:25 | 显示全部楼层
good for ubuntu! good for sparc! good for sun!
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