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发表于 2003-3-24 09:29:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Move the base driver tar file to the directory of your choice. For
   example, use: /home/username/e100 or /usr/local/src/e100.

2. Untar/unzip the archive by entering the following, where <x.x.x> is the
   version number for the driver tar:

     tar xfz e100-<x.x.x>.tar.gz

3. Change to the driver src directory by entering the following, where
   <x.x.x> is the version number for the driver tar:

     cd e100-<x.x.x>/src/

4. Compile the driver module:

     make install

   The binary will be installed as one of the following:



   The install locations listed above are the default locations. They may
   not be correct for certain Linux distributions. For more information, see
   the ldistrib.txt file included in the driver tar.

5. Install the module:

     insmod e100 <parameter>=<value>

6. Assign an IP address to the interface by entering the following, where
   <x> is the interface number:

     ifconfig eth<x> <IP_address>

7. Verify that the interface works. Enter the following, where <IP_address>
   is the IP address for another machine on the same subnet as the interface
   that is being tested:

     ping <IP_address>

5的insmod e100 <parameter>=<value>里参数和值分别是什么?

 楼主| 发表于 2003-3-24 10:42:39 | 显示全部楼层
问题解决其实这是redhat把驱动默认为eepro100造成的.忘记说了 我的机器是IBM的A30本本,在lwindows下看的驱动是intel pro10/100M ve.redhat自己把驱动装成eepro100.o换成e100.o就好了.
alias eth0 eepro该成alias eth0 e100就可以了.
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