Zenwalk 项目团队已经宣布了 Zenwalk 4.8 正式发布的消息。Zenwalk 4.8 采用 2.6.229 版的 Linux 内核,使用 GNU 许可版本的 IceWeasel 和 IceDove 分别替换了 Firefox 及 Thunderbird,改进了 Xorg 的自动配置以处理宽屏显示器,新增了 GMusicBrowser 应用程序。另外,Zenwalk 的扩展仓库也更新了一些软件包,如 OpenOffice.org 2.3。
下载 http://www.zenwalk.org/modules/tinycontent/index.php?id=1
The Zenwalk Team is happy to announce the Zenwalk 4.8 release.
After several release-candidates, it seems that we are ready for a very stable release. Overall, testers have found Zenwalk 4.8 the fastest version ever.
Kernel is now at, with its new wireless stack, tickless clock and 1000 Hz scheduler for better reactivity while lowering power consumption (ideal for laptops).
Talking about applications, the very visible change in 4.8 is the substitute of firefox and Thunderbird into the equivalent GNU Licence versions, named IceWeasel and IceDove. Zenwalk is setup with Firefox and Thunderbird support so that all softwares work with IceWeasel and IceDove.
Video/Xorg auto-configuration has been improved to handle widescreen monitors as well as to provide full features for Synaptics touchpads.
The fine-tuning of the user interface continues with new desktop artwork, new bootsplash.
Zenwalk 4.8 introduces GMusicBrowser, an application that can do everything you can dream of to categorize your music collection, edit tags, normalize filenames, and browse thousands of music files very easily.
Audacious has been removed (now available in the "Extra" repository), all functionality is now handled by other pieces of software, including GMusicBrowser (the jukebox), Streamtuner (the stream browser) and G-Mplayer (the multimedia player) , each taking care of their own specialty.
Thanks to our great community packagers, Zenwalk now boasts 1000 of recent packages in the "extra" repository, including OpenOffice 2.3.0, KDE 3.5.7, Gnome 2.18.3 and many other new packages as well as numerous language packs.
We hope you will enjoy working with Zenwalk 4.8 and we hope to see you soon on support.zenwalk.org to join one of the best Linux communities ;) |