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KDE 4.1 in [testing]

发表于 2008-7-28 09:22:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

On July 29th the KDE team will announce the final release of KDE 4.1, the first usable version of the fourth generation.

To make it possible for Arch users to join the release party in time, there are packages for 4.1 in our [testing] repository. Please take this chance to test those and report any packaging bugs using the bug tracker.

Before you update you should read the following hints:

* This update will NOT be smooth. Not all config files of the old KDE are
compatible with 4.1. While the old are kept in ~/.kde the new ones are in
/~.kde4. They won't be converted automagically. You could try to copy some
files manually and see what happens. This might work for kmail, konqueror
and others, but will break things for others. Maybe KDE will release a tool
for doing this.

旧的kde的配置文件是在 .kde, kde4 的是在 .kde4。你可以试试看把旧的cp到新的里面,然后看看能不能work,kmail,konqueror 似乎可以。或许 kde 会发布一定迁移的工具。

* If you want to use the KDE desktop make sure you have kdebase-workspace
installed, which includes the kdm, the taskbar etc.

如果你需要kde桌面,那需要安装 kdebase-workspace,包括了 kdm, taskbar 等。

* if pacman wants to replace packages: Answer YES :-)

如果pacman 想要替换一些包,回答 YES。

* At the time of writing not all KDE-based packages have been rebuilt for use
with new KDE or "legacy libs". If you cannot wait, installing kdelibs3
should make them work. But this will be fixed in the repos before things are
pushed to [extra] of course.

在发文前,并不是所有的基于 kde 的包都使用新的 kde 或者 "legacy libs(这个估计是kde4提供的一些兼容旧版本的库)"。如果你不想等,那么装一个 kdelibs3 也是可以的。这个会在放到 [extra] 之前修复的。

* If you start KDM with inittab make sure to change its path from /opt/kde to

如果你使用的是 inittab 启动的 kdm,那么别忘记修改 kdm 的路径,从 /opt/kde 修改到 /usr。(应该是说 kde4 的安装路径变了,不放在 /opt/kde 了)

* Don't force the upgrade ( -f); report a bug instead

不要强制更新(使用 -f 参数),正确的做法是去报告 bug。

* You might want to (re)move your ~/Desktop folder if you don't like that
folder view

你或许需要删除 ~/Desktop 目录。(不清楚是干嘛的)

* The first login takes a while; don't worry about this. It's creating new
configs etc.


* If you use an nvidia card, please read

如果是 nvidia 卡,那么看链接

* For a short overview about the new features read

kde4。1 的新特性,看链接。
发表于 2008-7-28 10:04:53 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-28 10:05:43 | 显示全部楼层
QUOTE]* You might want to (re)move your ~/Desktop folder if you don't like that
folder view

你或许需要删除 ~/Desktop 目录。(不清楚是干嘛的)[/QUOTE]

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发表于 2008-7-28 10:08:23 | 显示全部楼层
* You might want to (re)move your ~/Desktop folder if you don't like that
folder view

plasma有个folder view组件用来在桌面上显示某个特定的目录内容,默认是显示~/Desktop的
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发表于 2008-7-28 10:53:26 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-28 11:20:13 | 显示全部楼层
kde4.1已经进extra了。我现在在pacman -Syu,我原来装的是kde3.5,没开test库,看起来好像系统从kde3.5直接升级到kde4.1了。

bash-3.2# pacman -Syu
:: 正在同步软件包数据库……
core                      31.8K   38.0K/s 00:00:01 [#####################] 100%
extra                    396.2K  151.8K/s 00:00:03 [#####################] 100%
community                352.8K   35.4K/s 00:00:10 [#####################] 100%
:: 正在进行全系统更新……
:: 用kde-i18n-zh_cn/extra替代kde-l10n-zh_cn?[Y/n]yy
:: 用kdmtheme/extra替代kdebase-workspace?[Y/n]y
:: 用arts/extra替代kdelibs?[Y/n]y

删除: arts  kdmtheme  

全部删除大小:   7.29 MB
目标: qt-4.4.0-7  phonon-4.2.0-1  raptor-1.4.18-1  redland-1.0.8-1  
       soprano-2.1-1  kdelibs-4.1.0-3  kdebase-runtime-4.1.0-1  
       kdebase-workspace-4.1.0-2  kdelibs3-3.5.9-1  
       amarok-engine-xine-  amarok-base-  
       archlinux-themes-kdm-1.1-2  basket-  dnsutils-9.5.0-2  
       gcc-libs-4.3.1-3  hunspell-1.2.6-1  xulrunner-  
       mime-types-1.0-1  firefox-3.0.1-2  gcc-4.3.1-3  k3b-1.0.5-1  
       kde-common-4.1.0-2  kdeaccessibility-4.1.0-1  xscreensaver-5.06-1  
       kdeartwork-4.1.0-1  kdebase-4.1.0-2  boost-1.34.1-2  openbabel-2.2.0-1  
       indilib-0.5-1  libnova-0.12.1-1  cln-1.2.2-1  libqalculate-0.9.6-3  
       gsl-1.11-1  kdeedu-4.1.0-1  kdegames-4.1.0-2  ebook-tools-0.1.1-1  
       kdegraphics-4.1.0-3  kdemultimedia-4.1.0-1  akonadi-1.0.0-1  
       kdepimlibs-4.1.0-1  libvncserver-0.9.1-1  libotr-3.2.0-1  
       decibel-0.5.0-1  kdenetwork-4.1.0-2  kdepim-4.1.0-2  kdesdk-4.1.0-1  
       kdeutils-4.1.0-1  kdewebdev-4.1.0-1  kmplayer-0.11.0-2  koffice-1.6.3-4  

全部下载大小:   493.59 MB
全部安装大小:  1134.81 MB
:: 正在从core软件仓库获取软件包……
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发表于 2008-7-28 14:58:57 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-28 15:50:50 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-7-28 16:16:57 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-7-28 16:49:41 | 显示全部楼层
Post by jobinson99;1879459

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