新装了一台电脑。华硕P5QC主板,2G内存,E8400的CPU。安装Suse 11前,使用DVD引导后菜单中的firmware test测试了一下,结果有几个fail。如下(声明:下载后检查过md5和光盘,OK):
[Fail] CPU frequency scaling tests (1-2 mins)
4 cpu frequency steps supported
F supposedly higher frequency is slower on CPU 0!
P-state coordination done by hardware
F firmware not implementing hardware coordination cleanly. Firmware using SW_ALL instead?
F firmware not implementing hardware coordination cleanly. Firmware using SW_ANY instead?
[FAIL] HPET configuration test
F Failed to locate HPET base
[FAIL] OS/2 memory hole test
F Memory map has a memory hole between 15mb and 16mb
[Fail] Dmi information check
F No SMBIOS nor DMI entry point found.
哪位兄台能够帮帮我吗? |