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openSUSE 11.1 Beta 2 Now Available

发表于 2008-10-3 23:21:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

    * From:  Christoph Thiel <cthiel@xxxxxxx>
    * Date:  Fri, 3 Oct 2008 13:57:53 +0200
    * Message-id:  <20081003115753.GA28384@xxxxxxx>

The first beta release for 11.1 was so popular, we've decided to do it
again! The openSUSE Project is happy to announce the release of openSUSE
11.1 beta 2, available for immediate download and testing.

Please note:
* LiveCDs are being regenerated and released on Monday (Oct 6th).
* Also, the x86_64 Beta1-Beta2 delta.iso is currently broken -- to be released
   on Monday as well.
* is being updated later today, for the
   time being browse to
* the new factory tree is available from

What's changed since beta 1?

Major changes in this release include:

* Live CDs for GNOME and KDE [currently to big, see bnc#431900]
* VirtualBox 2.0.2
* Intel e1000e status (See below)
* 3.0RC2
* GNOME 2.24.0
* KDE 4.1.2
* Mono 2.0 RC 3
* Compiz 0.7.8

Please also see the 11.1 beta 1 release announcement: ... ta-1-now-available/

See DistroWatch []
for an expanded list of packages being shipped in the Factory

Status of the e1000e issue

Our beta1 release contained a bug that would cause the non-volatile memory
(NVM) of the e1000e controller to be corrupted in certain hardware
combinations. This NVM is shared with other components of the system.

We are still working on root-causing the issue, in close cooperation with
developers from Intel and the general Linux community.

In this release, the e1000e driver has been augmented with several kernel
patches that prevent all of the plausible scenarios where the NVM would be
overwritten. This includes a patch that enables write-protection of the NVM.
In order to corrupt the NVM with this patch in place, an application or
kernel module would have to undo this write protection explicitly before
being able to erase the NVM. Most of these protective measures have been
implemented within the e1000e driver.

All tests performed so far have shown that with these protections in place,
we are unable to reproduce the NVM corruption that could be seen with beta1.
On some machines that were tested, a beta1 installation could lead to NVM
corruption within 10-30 reboots, whereas a beta2 installation would perform
270 reboots without corrupting the NVM.

Therefore, we have made a conscious decision to leave the e1000e driver
enabled by default. We think with the additional safeguards in place (most
of which are part of the e1000e driver), the NVM is better protected than
without loading the driver. This is based on the assumption that the e1000e
driver shares the NVM with other parts of the system.

Nevertheless, users have the option to install beta2 with the e1000e driver
disabled, by adding the following to the kernel command line when booting
from the installation CD/DVD:


This will prevent the driver from being loaded during installation, and will
also add it to the file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, which will prevent it
from being loaded automatically in the future. Packages

As with the beta 1 release, the packages are still in a state
of flux. Known bugs with in this release include:

+ the dialog to change macro security level is empty; many other dialogs
   are affected similar way
+ "help" and "from template" and many other dialogs do not have icons
+ the initial wizard (to select document type) is not showed
+ macro editor does not highlight the lines with breakpoints
+ macro editor does not mark the line where the code is stopped (arrow)
+ Suse-puzzler.xls works only partly; e.g. "Sneaky Peak" or "About" works
   but the "Shuffle" does nothing. Also, the pieces cannot be moved with a
+ some missing hacks from ooo-build/bin/package-ooo and older OOo.spec
       + missing OOo-sdk compat stuff (to build voiko..., bnc#428403)
       + parallel build problem (basic module)

Call for Testing

We all want openSUSE 11.1 to be the best release yet, and we need your help
to get there. This release is ready for widespread testing, and we're
encouraging everyone to download and test the beta release. Please run the
release through your usual routine, and let us know about any bugs or other
issues that you find. Remember that this is a beta release, and is not
suitable for use on production systems, however.

If you want to help testing using the standard test cases, look at, and in particular see the new features specific to
openSUSE 11.1: This is a
definitive list of new features added into 11.1 that need testing.

To follow the testing and development process, we suggest that you subscribe
to the openSUSE-Factory mailing list, and join the
#openSUSE-Factory channel on Freenode to discuss openSUSE development.

Media and Download

The 11.1 beta is just one of the releases that will lead to the final 11.1
release. You can find the entire roadmap on the openSUSE wiki: Downloads are available here:

See for a full list of mirrors. Note
that you don't need to choose a mirror yourself, but you can use the mirror
list if you want or need to select a mirror manually.

Most Annoying Bugs

- Bug 431900 - LiveCDs to big
- Bug 431895 - http and ftp installation broken on x86_64 and ppc
- Bug 431861 - beta2 PPC DVD is broken
- Bug 431905 - installation over ssh does not work
- Bug 431491 - openSUSE 11.1 Beta2 doesn't boot in a VirtualBox
- Bug 431880 - nfs broken on beta2
- Bug 431879 - update configuration doesn't work
- Bug 427102 - split is work in progress.
- Bug 427923 - Distro uses openSUSE 11.0 branding.
- Bug 431865 - unable to install web development pattern.

Future Release Announcements

Note to openSUSE contributors: If you have any changes or features to call
out for future release announcements, please send an email to Zonker
(zonker@xxxxxxxxxxxx) with any information that should be in that
announcement. (Preferably at least two days before the scheduled release.)

Thanks, and have a lot of fun!

Christoph Thiel, Tech. Project Management, Research & Development
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
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发表于 2008-10-4 08:03:05 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-10-4 08:39:37 | 显示全部楼层

应该DVD中的 GNOME和KDE分开....

一定要加强 USB无线网卡和声卡的识别.
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发表于 2008-10-4 10:45:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-10-4 12:29:03 | 显示全部楼层
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