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发表于 2008-10-8 01:32:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Limit physical access and booting capabilities

    * Enable BIOS password
    * Disable floppy booting
    * Set a LILO or GRUB password (/etc/lilo.conf or /boot/grub/menu.lst, respectively);
      check that the LILO or GRUB configuration file is read-protected.


    * Separate user-writable data, non-system data, and rapidly changing run-time data to their own partitions
    * Set nosuid,noexec,nodev mount options in /etc/fstab on ext2 partitions such as /tmp

Password hygiene and login security

    * Set a good root password
    * Enable password shadowing and MD5
    * Install and use PAM - Add MD5 support to PAM and make sure that (generally speaking) entries in /etc/pam.d/ files which grant access to the machine have the second field in the pam.d file set to "requisite" or "required".
    * Tweak /etc/pam.d/login so as to only permit local root logins.
    * Also mark authorized tty:s in /etc/security/access.conf and generally set up this file to limit root logins as much as possible.
    * Add if you want to set per-user limits
    * Tweak /etc/pam.d/passwd: set minimum length of passwords higher (6 characters maybe) and enable md5
    * Add group wheel to /etc/group if desired; add group=wheel entry to /etc/pam.d/su
    * For custom per-user controls, use entries where appropriate
    * Have an /etc/pam.d/other file and set it up with tight security
    * Set up limits in /etc/security/limits.conf (note that /etc/limits is not used if you are using PAM)
    * Tighten up /etc/login.defs; also, if you enabled MD5 and/or PAM, make sure you make the corresponding  

Changes here, too

    *   Disable root ftp access in /etc/ftpusers
    *   Disable network root login; use su or sudo.

Other local security issues

    * Kernel patches uptodate
    * Tighten up logfile permissions (/var/log/{last,fail}log, Apache logs)
    * Verify that setuid checking is enabled in /etc/checksecurity.conf
    * Consider making some log files append-only and configuration files immutable using chattr (ext2 filesystems only)
    * Set up file integrity (Common tools used for this are sXid, AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment), TripWire (non-free; the new version will be GPL), integrit and samhain.
    * Install debsums
    * Consider replacing locate with slocate
    * Log everything to a local printer

Limit network access

    * Install and configure ssh (suggest PermitRootLogin No in /etc/ssh, PermitEmptyPasswords No; note other suggestions in text also)
    * Consider disabling or removing in.telnetd
    * Generally, disable gratuitous services in /etc/inetd.conf using update-inetd --disable (or disable inetd altogether, or use a replacement such as xinetd or rlinetd)
    * Disable other gratuitous network services; mail, ftp, DNS, www etc should not be running
      if you do not need them and monitor them regularly.
    * For those services which you do need, do not just use the most common programs, look for more secure versions shipped with Debian (or from other sources). Whatever you end up running,make sure you understand the risks.
    * Set up chroot jails for outside users and daemons.
    * Configure firewall and tcpwrappers (i.e. hosts_access); note trick for /etc/hosts.deny in text
    * If you run ftp, set up your ftpd server to always run chrooted to the user's home director
    *  If you run X, disable xhost authentication and go with ssh instead; better yet, disable remote X if you can (add -nolisten tcp to the X command line and turn off XDMCP in /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config by setting the requestPort to 0)
    * Disable outside access to printers
    * Tunnel any IMAP or POP sessions through SSL or ssh; install stunnel if you want to provide this service to remote mail users Set up a loghost and configure other machines to send logs to this host (/etc/syslog.conf)
    * Secure BIND, Sendmail, and other complex daemons (run in a chroot jail; run as non-root pseudo-user)
      Install snort or a similar logging tool.
    * Do without NIS and RPC if you can (disable portmap).

Policy issues

    * Educate users about the whys and hows of your policies. When you have prohibited something which is regularly available on other systems, provide documentation which explains how to accomplish similar results using other, more secure means.
    * Prohibit use of protocols which use cleartext passwords (telnet, rsh and friends; ftp, imap, http)
    * Prohibit programs which use SVGAlib.
    * Use disk quotas.
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