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离开 arch, 转交 aur 上一些软件包的维护工作

发表于 2012-2-17 17:55:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
现在用 mac os x 了,在手头这台 macbook air 退役之前估计一直都是。
手头一些 aur 的软件包需要转手一下:

  1.         science         easymesh 1.4-1         0                 是         A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator         feng
  2.         lib         fcpp 1.5-1         1                 是         Provides higher-order polymorphic functions in the C++ language.         feng
  3.         lib         gaul-devel 0.1850-0         2                 是         A flexible programming library for evolutionary computation. Steady-state, generational and island model genetic algorithms are supported, using Darwinian, Lamarckian or Baldwinian evolution. Includes support for multiprocessor and distributed systems.         feng
  4.         devel         gmm 4.1-1         42                 是         a generic C++ finite element library which aims to offer the widest range of finite element methods and elementary matrix computations for the approximation of linear or non-linear problems, possibly in hybrid form and possibly coupled         feng
  5.         x11         gtk2-theme-melina 1.0-2         3                 是         Melina gtk2 theme, Based on Human Murrine and Slim Metacity.         feng
  6.         lib         lcpp 1.0-1         0                 是         LC++ is a library for logic programming in C++. Using LC++, C++ programmers can write declarative, Prolog-like code in their C++ programs.         feng
  7.         devel         mpfrcpp-cvs 20100418-1         0                 是         MPFRCPP is free object-oriented interface to the MPFR library written in C++.         feng
  8.         devel         mtl4-svn 7299-1         2                 是         a high-performance generic component library that provides comprehensive linear algebra functionality for a wide variety of matrix formats in cpp.         feng
  9.         network         ruby-vmail 2.4.0-1         3                 是         A Vim interface to Gmail         feng
  10.         x11         scim-googlepinyin 20110803-1         41         是         是         bring the open source Google pinyin IME for Android to GNU/Linux.         feng
  11.         science         showmesh 1.0-1         0                 是         A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Displayer         feng
  12.         lib         unuran 1.8.0-1         0                 是         a collection of algorithms for generating non-uniform pseudorandom variates         feng
  13.         x11         vue 3.1.1-1         31         是         是         Visual Understanding Environment (VUE) is a tool for managing data with a focus on using digital repositories
发表于 2012-2-18 10:54:16 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-2-21 21:05:10 | 显示全部楼层
俺也在考虑,要不要入手一台mac book pro....

但纠结于pro air,有谁给点意见?

首先mac book上肯定是会装虚拟机的。虚拟机肯定会有arch与gentoo的,担心air的固态硬盘吃不消

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发表于 2012-2-21 22:35:04 | 显示全部楼层
OS X 就是 Unix,而且血缘相当正宗,所以入了 Macbook 据说基本不再需要折腾 Linux。关于 Pro 还是 Air,据说年内会出一种比 Pro 更轻薄,全功能接口,无光驱有固态硬盘的 Pro,如果是 13 寸机型,那么可以说完美了,现阶段观望为好。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-22 17:45:29 | 显示全部楼层
Post by aabbcclrk;2160233

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-22 17:52:06 | 显示全部楼层
Post by Havanna;2160492
俺也在考虑,要不要入手一台mac book pro....

但纠结于pro air,有谁给点意见?

首先mac book上肯定是会装虚拟机的。虚拟机肯定会有arch与gentoo的,担心air的固态硬盘吃不消

观望超级本快一年了,实在等不下去了,于是选择了 air
因为我要经常背着走来走去,所以选择了 air 而不是 pro
13 寸乞丐版 8200 (淘宝某店,机子便宜,配件奇贵)
键盘膜 10 (newegg,因为需要写代码,所以通用型最好)
屏幕贴膜 30 (淘宝某店,价格很便宜)
碳纤维机体贴膜 60 (同上)
共计 8300 元

现在是 os x + macport,基本复制了 arch 的工作环境,不过图形界面从 e17 更换到 mac 罢了,应用程序基本不变。
之所以不用  arch, 是因为  air 的触摸板手势特别好用,可以不用鼠标,而换到 e17 就不成了
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发表于 2012-2-23 09:29:56 | 显示全部楼层
Post by fallening;2160213
现在用 mac os x 了,在手头这台 macbook air 退役之前估计一直都是。
手头一些 aur 的软件包需要转手一下:
  1.         science         easymesh 1.4-1         0                 是         A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator         feng
  2.         lib         fcpp 1.5-1         1                 是         Provides higher-order polymorphic functions in the C++ language.         feng
  3.         lib         gaul-devel 0.1850-0         2                 是         A flexible programming library for evolutionary computation. Steady-state, generational and island model genetic algorithms are supported, using Darwinian, Lamarckian or Baldwinian evolution. Includes support for multiprocessor and distributed systems.         feng
  4.         devel         gmm 4.1-1         42                 是         a generic C++ finite element library which aims to offer the widest range of finite element methods and elementary matrix computations for the approximation of linear or non-linear problems, possibly in hybrid form and possibly coupled         feng
  5.         x11         gtk2-theme-melina 1.0-2         3                 是         Melina gtk2 theme, Based on Human Murrine and Slim Metacity.         feng
  6.         lib         lcpp 1.0-1         0                 是         LC++ is a library for logic programming in C++. Using LC++, C++ programmers can write declarative, Prolog-like code in their C++ programs.         feng
  7.         devel         mpfrcpp-cvs 20100418-1         0                 是         MPFRCPP is free object-oriented interface to the MPFR library written in C++.         feng
  8.         devel         mtl4-svn 7299-1         2                 是         a high-performance generic component library that provides comprehensive linear algebra functionality for a wide variety of matrix formats in cpp.         feng
  9.         network         ruby-vmail 2.4.0-1         3                 是         A Vim interface to Gmail         feng
  10.         x11         scim-googlepinyin 20110803-1         41         是         是         bring the open source Google pinyin IME for Android to GNU/Linux.         feng
  11.         science         showmesh 1.0-1         0                 是         A Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Displayer         feng
  12.         lib         unuran 1.8.0-1         0                 是         a collection of algorithms for generating non-uniform pseudorandom variates         feng
  13.         x11         vue 3.1.1-1         31         是         是         Visual Understanding Environment (VUE) is a tool for managing data with a focus on using digital repositories


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-23 15:00:18 | 显示全部楼层
Post by athurg;2160572



谢谢,刚才看了下硬盘还有 10G 空间,可以运行一个虚拟的 arch  了

固态硬盘确实给力,虚拟机里边的 arch 启动速度比安装在 U350 里边的那个还要更快一点,目前还没有意外退出过。
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