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Slackware 15.0 发行说明

发表于 2023-12-22 18:41:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Slackware 15.0 发行说明。2022 年 CST 2 月 2 日星期三 18:39:59


从历史上看,RELEASE_NOTES 主要是技术信息,但是
Robby Workman 再次介绍了重要的技术细节

多年来我们实际上已经构建了 400 多个不同的 Linux 内核版本
最终宣布 Slackware 15.0 稳定(相比之下,我们测试了 34
在 Slackware 14.2 上工作时的内核版本)。我们最终选择了内核
版本 5.15.19 在 Greg Kroah-Hartman 确认它将获得长期支持后
支持至少到 2023 年 10 月(而且很可能比这更长)。
内核包含足够的内置驱动程序,在大多数情况下 initrd 都不是
需要启动系统。通用内核需要使用 initrd 来
兼容性也很好。比以前的版本更容易做到这一点 -
安装程序现在会为您创建一个 initrd,新的 geninitrd 实用程序将
为您最新的内核包自动重建 initrd

在 32 位方面,同时具有 SMP(支持多处理器)和
非 SMP(单处理器)内核。非 SMP 内核主要用于
无法运行 SMP 内核的机器,该内核比
Pentium III 和一些不支持 PAE 的 Pentium M 型号(尽管
似乎这些可能支持 PAE,但只是缺少用于宣传的 CPU 标志
它——尝试使用“forcepae”内核选项启动)。在 32 位上,它是高度
如果您的机器能够使用 SMP 内核启动,建议使用它

如果您想尝试最新的内核分支,您将找到 .config 文件
对于 Linux 5.16,位于 /testing/source/ 目录中。

Slackware 15.0 支持运行 UEFI 固件的系统 (x86_64 Slackware
仅版本)。帮助支持 UEFI 的软件包包括 elilo、GRUB 2 和
efibootmgr,所有安装介质都支持在 UEFI 下启动,如下所示
执行安装过程中生成的 USB 启动棒。此时有
Slackware 目录。

Slackware ISO 映像已使用 isohybrid 格式进行处理,该格式
允许将它们刻录到 DVD,*或*写入 USB 记忆棒,这可以


有一个社区驱动的 Slackware 文档站点,——查看并加入分享您的知识!

感谢 Slackware 团队的其他成员(以及其他贡献者)
巨大的帮助——Eric Hameleers 为获得 KDE Plasma 5 所做的巨大努力
multilib 支持、 以及您为 Slackware 所做的一切。
大家一定要关注 Eric 的博客:
感谢 Robby Workman 在很多方面提供的帮助...尤其是 Xfce,但也
大量的杂项更新、CHANGES_AND_HINTS 文件和其他
OnyxLight Communications 的朋友帮助我们进行托管(以及
硬件也一样!)用于我们的开发服务器。Onyxlight 期间关闭
感谢他在维护 slackpkg 和各种错误修复方面所做的工作。感谢达伦
“Tadgy”Austin 重写了 netconfig 实用程序,添加了对 IPv6 的支持,
VLAN、链路聚合等。感谢 Stuart Winter 提供更多更新
linuxdoc-tools、slacktrack 以及整个过程中的各种修复
到 ARM 以获取 Slackware ARM 端口:,Vincent Batts
使 Slackware PAM 支持成为现实,Heinz Wiesinger 致力于 KDE
/ Plasma 和 Qt、LLVM、MariaDB、OpenCL 以及各种各样的东西,
Erik Jan Tromp 寻求 pkgtools 重写和并行支持方面的帮助
适用于、MATE、sbopkg 等。马泰奥·“庞塞”·贝尔纳迪尼
无数的错误修复和所有让 为此做好准备的工作
该项目的负责人包括 Karl Magnus Kolstä、NettrixTardis、Alan Hicks、
Slackware 社区这次以各种方式挺身而出,
尤其是 Slackware 论坛上的所有朋友。



“alphageek”Erik Jan Tromp 在长期患病后于 2020 年去世。他是
Slackware 核心团队的长期成员,在背后做了很多事情
熟悉场景,精通 Tcl 等不太知名的编程语言。:-)
及时发布 15.0 以便您看到它...

我的老朋友 Brett Person 也在 2020 年去世了。没有 Brett,一切就都结束了。
可能不会有我们所知道的 Slackware——他就是那个
谁鼓励我在 1993 年将其上传到 FTP 并担任 Slackware 的
原始 Beta版本的测试者。长期以来,他被认为是该项目的联合创始人。
我从法戈的乞丐宴会 BBS 时代起就认识布雷特了
80年代。当 Slackware 项目转移到 Walnut Creek CDROM 时,Brett
其他代表 Slackware 参加各种贸易展览。布雷特似乎知道



帕特·沃尔克丁 <>
 楼主| 发表于 2023-12-22 18:44:58 | 显示全部楼层
Slackware 15.0 release notes. Wed Feb  2 18:39:59 CST 2022

Good hello folks, nice to see you here again. :-)

Historically, the RELEASE_NOTES had been mostly technical information, but
once again Robby Workman has covered the important technical details in

We've actually built over 400 different Linux kernel versions over the years
it took to finally declare Slackware 15.0 stable (by contrast, we tested 34
kernel versions while working on Slackware 14.2). We finally ended up on kernel
version 5.15.19 after Greg Kroah-Hartman confirmed that it would get long-term
support until at least October 2023 (and quite probably for longer than that).
As usual, the kernel is provided in two flavors, generic and huge. The huge
kernel contains enough built-in drivers that in most cases an initrd is not
needed to boot the system. The generic kernels require the use of an initrd to
load the kernel modules needed to mount the root filesystem. Using a generic
kernel will save some memory and possibly avoid a few boot time warnings.
I'd strongly recommend using a generic kernel for the best kernel module
compatibility as well. It's easier to do that than in previous releases - the
installer now makes an initrd for you, and the new geninitrd utility will
rebuild the initrd automatically for the latest kernel packages you've
installed on the system.

On the 32-bit side, there are both SMP (multiple processor capable) and
non-SMP (single processor) kernels. The non-SMP kernel is mostly intended for
machines that can't run the SMP kernel, which is anything older than a
Pentium III, and some models of the Pentium M that don't support PAE (although
it seems that these might support PAE but just lack the CPU flags to advertise
it -- try booting with the "forcepae" kernel option). On 32-bit, it is highly
recommended to use the SMP kernel if your machine is able to boot with it
(even if you have only a single core) because the optimization and memory
handling options should yield better performance.

If you'd like to try out the latest kernel branch, you'll find .config files
for Linux 5.16 in the /testing/source/ directory.

Slackware 15.0 has support for systems running UEFI firmware (x86_64 Slackware
edition only). Packages that help support UEFI include elilo, GRUB 2, and
efibootmgr, and all of the installation media supports booting under UEFI, as
do the USB boot sticks generated during installation. At this point there is
no support for running the system under Secure Boot, but a dedicated user
could add their own Machine Owner Key, sign their kernels, modules, and
bootloader, and then use shim to start the bootloader. We'll be looking into
supporting this officially in the next release. Documentation for installing
on UEFI machines is provided in a README_UEFI.TXT found in the top-level
Slackware directory.

The Slackware ISO images have been processed using an isohybrid format which
allows them to be burned to DVD, *or* to be written to a USB stick, which can
then be booted and used as the install source.  This works on machines running
both regular BIOS as well as UEFI.

Need more build scripts?  Something that you wanted wasn't included in
Slackware?  Well, then check out Several of the team members
work on the scripts there along with many other dedicated volunteers.

There's a community driven site for Slackware documentation, -- check it out, and join in to share your knowledge!

Thanks to the rest of the Slackware team (and other contributors) for the
great help -- Eric Hameleers for his massive efforts on getting KDE Plasma 5
ready and continuing to maintain it even as the development cycle ran much
longer than expected. Eric, I know I came close to wearing out your patience,
so thanks for sticking it out and for all your other help with extra packages,
multilib support,, and everything else you do for Slackware.
Everyone be sure to follow Eric's blog at:
Thanks to Robby Workman for help on tons of stuff... especially Xfce but also
tons of miscellaneous updates, the CHANGES_AND_HINTS file and other
documentation, managing various project infrastructure including helping to
obtain servers, getting them all set up, finding hosting, etc. Thanks to our
friends at OnyxLight Communications who helped us out with hosting (and
hardware, too!) for our development server. Onyxlight closed down during the
pandemic, unfortunately. I hope they're all doing well. Thanks to PiterPunk
for his work on maintaining slackpkg and various bugfixes. Thanks to Darren
"Tadgy" Austin for rewriting the netconfig utility adding support for IPv6,
VLANs, link aggregation and more. Thanks to Stuart Winter for more updates to
linuxdoc-tools, slacktrack, and for all kinds of fixes throughout the
installer and system (he finds my bugs all the time while porting packages
to ARM for the Slackware ARM port:, Vincent Batts
for making Slackware PAM support a reality, Heinz Wiesinger for working on KDE
/ Plasma and Qt, LLVM, MariaDB, OpenCL, and really just all kinds of stuff,
Erik Jan Tromp for help with the pkgtools rewrite and support for parallel
compression/decompression testing and benchmarking. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo
for work on, MATE, sbopkg, and more. Matteo "ponce" Bernardini
for countless bugfixes and all the work getting ready for this
new release. Honorable mentions also go to long-time contributors and friends
of the project including Karl Magnus Kolstø, NetrixTardis, Alan Hicks,
mrgoblin, and Mark Post. Special thanks to everyone else who reported bugs
(and/or provided fixes) or helped collaborate on this release in any way.
The Slackware community stepped up in all kinds of ways this time around,
especially all my friends on the Slackware forum.
Special thanks and sorry to everyone I forgot.
Thanks also to my family for putting up with all of this. ;-)


Sadly, we lost a couple of good friends during this development cycle and
this release is dedicated to them.

Erik "alphageek" Jan Tromp passed away in 2020 after a long illness. He was
a long-time member of the Slackware core team doing a ton of stuff behind
the scenes and a master of lesser-known programming languages like Tcl. :-)
For a long time he lived closer to me geographically than anyone else on
the core team, but unfortunately with an international border between us
we never did meet in person. But he was there in chat every day and was a
good friend to everyone on the team. He is greatly missed. Sorry I didn't
get 15.0 out in time for you to see it...

My old friend Brett Person also passed away in 2020. Without Brett, it's
possible that there wouldn't be any Slackware as we know it - he's the one
who encouraged me to upload it to FTP back in 1993 and served as Slackware's
original beta-tester. He was long considered a co-founder of this project.
I knew Brett since the days of the Beggar's Banquet BBS in Fargo back in
the 80's. When the Slackware Project moved to Walnut Creek CDROM, Brett was
hired as well, and we spent many hours on the road and sitting next to each
other representing Slackware at various trade shows. Brett seemed to know
all kinds of computer luminaries and was an amazing storyteller, always
with his smooth radio voice. Gonna miss you too, pal.

To everyone out there still reading this, thanks. :-)
Hope to see you again the next time we do this.


Pat Volkerding <>
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