* Note that tryRelease and tryAcquire can be called by
* Conditions. So it is possible that their arguments contain
* both read and write holds that are all released during a
* condition wait and re-established in tryAcquire.
protected final boolean tryRelease(int releases) {
// 判断是否伪独占线程
if (!isHeldExclusively())
throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
// 计算释放资源后的写锁的数量
int nextc = getState() - releases;
boolean free = exclusiveCount(nextc) == 0; // 是否释放成功
if (free)
setExclusiveOwnerThread(null); // 设置独占线程为空
setState(nextc); // 设置状态
return free;
说明: 此函数用于释放写锁资源,首先会判断该线程是否为独占线程,若不为独占线程,则抛出异常,否则,计算释放资源后的写锁的数量,若为0,表示成功释放,资源不将被占用,否则,表示资源还被占用。其函数流程图如下。
原文链接: ... tReadWriteLock.html |