
热搜: shell linux mysql
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发表于 2003-7-12 18:49:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我是新手,刚装了8.2 PRO, 安装的时候我选择INSTALLATION结果在“starting hardware detection"时就停住了,硬盘不读写,光驱也不读盘,等了5分钟都没反应,RESET后选择了好像是SAFE SETTING INSTALLATION,结果顺利安装完成。

重新启动后,进入GRUB启动界面,有LINUX, WINDOWS, FLOPPY, SAFELINUX(还不知道是safe setting linux什么的),选择LINUX进入,进入启动界面,但进度条一点也不动,硬盘也不读盘;重新启动后选择safe setting linux,只能够进入文字界面;大家帮个忙,到底是怎么回事呀???


发表于 2003-7-22 03:18:47 | 显示全部楼层

possible solution

do you have any other OS like win installed on your machine? If you have and the other one works fine, then it probably is not your hardware problem. If you do not have, then you might check your data line, hard disk (I do not think you need to care about the DMA or not), ATA100 will be recognized auto. Even though hard disk is not setup to use DMA, you should still install Linux without problem, after that, you can hdparm to open it.  I have not use safe setting installation option before, but I think this option will not install X windows, so you still need to make a normal installation or grep all X related rpms and install them manually.

For the network problem, you need to get your IP, broadcast address, netmask, gateway IP, and DNS info and use 'ifconfig' and 'route' commands to set them up.
发表于 2003-7-22 08:41:56 | 显示全部楼层
我认为你还是应该用正常方式安装SuSE,这样的话大多数硬件都能认出来。用Safe mode安装的话我没有试过,不知道会出现什么问题。建议你安装的时候关闭主板上APM和ACPI支持试试看。另外,如果能够贴出你的硬件配置的话,或许大家能给你更多建议;)
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