
热搜: shell linux mysql
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发表于 2003-7-26 16:06:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[root@linuxfans mysql-4.0.4-beta-pc-linux-gnu-i686]# ./configure
NOTE: This is a MySQL binary distribution. It's ready to run, you don't
need to configure it!

To help you a bit, I am now going to create the needed MySQL databases
and start the MySQL server for you.  If you run into any trouble, please
consult the MySQL manual, that you can find in the Docs directory.

Installing all prepared tables
030726 16:12:15  ./bin/mysqld: Shutdown Complete

To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy support-files/mysql.server
to the right place for your system

This is done with:
./bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
./bin/mysqladmin -u root -h linuxfans password 'new-password'
See the manual for more instructions.

NOTE:  If you are upgrading from a MySQL <= 3.22.10 you should run
the ./bin/mysql_fix_privilege_tables. Otherwise you will not be
able to use the new GRANT command!

You can start the MySQL daemon with:
cd . ; ./bin/mysqld_safe &

You can test the MySQL daemon with the benchmarks in the 'sql-bench' directory:
cd sql-bench ; perl run-all-tests

Please report any problems with the ./bin/mysqlbug script!

The latest information about MySQL is available on the web at
Support MySQL by buying support/licenses at

Starting the mysqld server.  You can test that it is up and running
with the command:
./bin/mysqladmin version
[root@linuxfans mysql-4.0.4-beta-pc-linux-gnu-i686]# Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /mnt/linux/mysql/mysql-4.0.4-beta-pc-linux-gnu-i686/data
030726 16:12:16  mysqld ended
发表于 2003-7-26 20:09:22 | 显示全部楼层
look 'your-hostname'.err under %mysql%/data
 楼主| 发表于 2003-7-26 20:30:11 | 显示全部楼层
030725 20:18:30  mysqld started
030725 20:18:30  InnoDB: Out of memory in additional memory pool.
InnoDB: InnoDB will start allocating memory from the OS.
InnoDB: You may get better performance if you configure a bigger
InnoDB: value in the MySQL my.cnf file for
InnoDB: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size.
030725 20:18:30  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: See for installation help.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
030725 20:18:30  mysqld ended

030725 20:20:40  mysqld started
030725 20:20:40  InnoDB: Out of memory in additional memory pool.
InnoDB: InnoDB will start allocating memory from the OS.
InnoDB: You may get better performance if you configure a bigger
InnoDB: value in the MySQL my.cnf file for
InnoDB: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size.
030725 20:20:42  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: See for installation help.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
030725 20:20:42  mysqld ended

030725 20:23:56  mysqld started
030725 20:23:56  InnoDB: Out of memory in additional memory pool.
InnoDB: InnoDB will start allocating memory from the OS.
InnoDB: You may get better performance if you configure a bigger
InnoDB: value in the MySQL my.cnf file for
InnoDB: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size.
030725 20:23:56  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: See for installation help.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
030725 20:23:56  mysqld ended

030725 20:25:21  mysqld started
030725 20:25:21  InnoDB: Out of memory in additional memory pool.
InnoDB: InnoDB will start allocating memory from the OS.
InnoDB: You may get better performance if you configure a bigger
InnoDB: value in the MySQL my.cnf file for
InnoDB: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size.
030725 20:25:21  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: See for installation help.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
030725 20:25:21  mysqld ended

030725 20:26:19  mysqld started
030725 20:26:19  InnoDB: Out of memory in additional memory pool.
InnoDB: InnoDB will start allocating memory from the OS.
InnoDB: You may get better performance if you configure a bigger
InnoDB: value in the MySQL my.cnf file for
InnoDB: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size.
030725 20:26:19  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: See for installation help.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
030725 20:26:19  mysqld ended

030725 20:27:42  mysqld started
030725 20:27:42  InnoDB: Out of memory in additional memory pool.
InnoDB: InnoDB will start allocating memory from the OS.
InnoDB: You may get better performance if you configure a bigger
InnoDB: value in the MySQL my.cnf file for
InnoDB: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size.
030725 20:27:42  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: See for installation help.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
030725 20:27:42  mysqld ended

030725 20:58:38  mysqld started
030725 20:58:38  InnoDB: Out of memory in additional memory pool.
InnoDB: InnoDB will start allocating memory from the OS.
InnoDB: You may get better performance if you configure a bigger
InnoDB: value in the MySQL my.cnf file for
InnoDB: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size.
030725 20:58:38  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: See for installation help.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
030725 20:58:38  mysqld ended

030725 21:24:38  mysqld started
030725 21:24:38  InnoDB: Out of memory in additional memory pool.
InnoDB: InnoDB will start allocating memory from the OS.
InnoDB: You may get better performance if you configure a bigger
InnoDB: value in the MySQL my.cnf file for
InnoDB: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size.
030725 21:24:38  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: See for installation help.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
030725 21:24:38  mysqld ended

030726 13:40:08  mysqld started
030726 13:40:08  InnoDB: Out of memory in additional memory pool.
InnoDB: InnoDB will start allocating memory from the OS.
InnoDB: You may get better performance if you configure a bigger
InnoDB: value in the MySQL my.cnf file for
InnoDB: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size.
030726 13:40:08  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: See for installation help.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
030726 13:40:08  mysqld ended

030726 14:14:17  mysqld started
030726 14:14:17  InnoDB: Out of memory in additional memory pool.
InnoDB: InnoDB will start allocating memory from the OS.
InnoDB: You may get better performance if you configure a bigger
InnoDB: value in the MySQL my.cnf file for
InnoDB: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size.
030726 14:14:18  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: See for installation help.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
030726 14:14:18  mysqld ended

030726 14:29:01  mysqld started
030726 14:29:01  InnoDB: Out of memory in additional memory pool.
InnoDB: InnoDB will start allocating memory from the OS.
InnoDB: You may get better performance if you configure a bigger
InnoDB: value in the MySQL my.cnf file for
InnoDB: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size.
030726 14:29:01  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: See for installation help.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
030726 14:29:01  mysqld ended

030726 16:10:24  mysqld started
030726 16:10:25  InnoDB: Out of memory in additional memory pool.
InnoDB: InnoDB will start allocating memory from the OS.
InnoDB: You may get better performance if you configure a bigger
InnoDB: value in the MySQL my.cnf file for
InnoDB: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size.
030726 16:10:25  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: See for installation help.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
030726 16:10:25  mysqld ended

030726 16:12:16  mysqld started
030726 16:12:16  InnoDB: Out of memory in additional memory pool.
InnoDB: InnoDB will start allocating memory from the OS.
InnoDB: You may get better performance if you configure a bigger
InnoDB: value in the MySQL my.cnf file for
InnoDB: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size.
030726 16:12:16  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: See for installation help.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
030726 16:12:16  mysqld ended

030726 16:14:49  mysqld started
030726 16:14:49  InnoDB: Out of memory in additional memory pool.
InnoDB: InnoDB will start allocating memory from the OS.
InnoDB: You may get better performance if you configure a bigger
InnoDB: value in the MySQL my.cnf file for
InnoDB: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size.
030726 16:14:49  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: See for installation help.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
030726 16:14:49  mysqld ended

030726 16:40:57  mysqld started
030726 16:40:57  InnoDB: Out of memory in additional memory pool.
InnoDB: InnoDB will start allocating memory from the OS.
InnoDB: You may get better performance if you configure a bigger
InnoDB: value in the MySQL my.cnf file for
InnoDB: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size.
030726 16:40:57  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: See for installation help.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
030726 16:40:57  mysqld ended

030726 16:59:39  mysqld started
030726 16:59:39  InnoDB: Out of memory in additional memory pool.
InnoDB: InnoDB will start allocating memory from the OS.
InnoDB: You may get better performance if you configure a bigger
InnoDB: value in the MySQL my.cnf file for
InnoDB: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size.
030726 16:59:39  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: See for installation help.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
030726 16:59:39  mysqld ended

030726 17:28:35  mysqld started
030726 17:28:35  InnoDB: Out of memory in additional memory pool.
InnoDB: InnoDB will start allocating memory from the OS.
InnoDB: You may get better performance if you configure a bigger
InnoDB: value in the MySQL my.cnf file for
InnoDB: innodb_additional_mem_pool_size.
030726 17:28:35  InnoDB: Operating system error number 13 in a file operation.
InnoDB: See for installation help.
InnoDB: The error means mysqld does not have the access rights to
InnoDB: the directory.
InnoDB: File name ./ibdata1
InnoDB: Cannot continue operation.
030726 17:28:35  mysqld ended

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