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PureFTPD 虚拟用户,试试。

发表于 2003-8-1 15:26:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
------------------------ VIRTUAL USERS ------------------------

Since release 0.99.2, Pure-FTPd supports virtual users.
自从0.99.2版本之后,Pure-FTPd 开始支持虚拟用户。
Virtual users is a simple mechanism to store a list of users,
with their password, name, uid, directory, etc.
It's just like /etc/passwd. But it's not /etc/passwd. It's a different file, only for FTP.
It means that you can easily create FTP-only accounts without messing your system accounts.

Additionnaly, virtual users files can store individual quotas, ratios,bandwidth, etc. System accounts can't do this.

Thousands of virtual users can share the same system user, as long as they all are chrooted, and they have their own home directory.

So a good thing to do before using virtual users is to create a system user for this. Of course, you can use any existing account like "nobody" (but not root), but it's better to have a dedicated account.
在所有好事之前,你需要为此创建一个系统帐号。当然, 你可以使用一些现成的例如“nobody(可不要是root)”,所以最好使用专有帐号。
Let's create an "ftpgroup" group and an "ftpuser" user.
让我们创建一个“ftpgroup”组和一个"ftpuser "用户。


groupadd ftpgroup
useradd -g ftpgroup -d /dev/null -s /etc ftpuser


pw groupadd ftpgroup
pw useradd ftpuser -g ftpgroup -d /dev/null -s /etc

Then, all maintenance of virtual users can be made with the "pure-pw" command. You can also edit the files by hand if you want.
好,所以这些虚拟帐号的操作都可以使用“pure-pw”这个命令。 如果你愿意的话,也可以手工编辑这些文件。

Files storing virtual users have one line per user. These lines have the following syntax:
保存虚拟用户的文件中每行代表一个用户, 这些行包含了以下语法。

<account>:<password>:<uid>:<gid>:<gecos>:<home directory>:<upload
bandwidth>:<download bandwidth>:<upload ratio>:<download ratio>:<max number
of connections>:<files quota>:<size quota>:<authorized local IPs>:<refused
local IPs>:<authorized client IPs>:<refused client IPs>:<time

Fields can be left empty (exceptions: account, password, uid, gid, home directory) .
除了 account(帐号), password(密码), uid, gid, home directory(用户目录)有些地方可以留空。

Passwords are compatible with the hashing function used in /etc/passwd or /etc/master.passwd . They are crypto hashed with blowfish, md5, multiple-des and simple des, in this order, according to what your system has support fort.、

 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-1 15:36:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2003-8-1 23:35:21 | 显示全部楼层
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