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从Slackware 9.0 升级到 9.1(quick and dirty)

发表于 2003-10-15 17:50:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
正在为升级系统而可能需要重新安装/配置而烦恼,偶然在 的论坛里看到一个帖子,说虽然9.1第一个iso里面UPGRADE.TXT文件是针对从8.1升级到9.0的,但实际上从9.0升级到9.1也适用。于是亦步亦趋,果然实现了顺利升级。当然,由于升级导致的一些软件冲突和配置文件的改变都需要花点时间重新配置,但是工作量比我原先认为的推倒重来要小得多。下面简单说明升级的步骤:

1. 备份原系统的文件,至少也要备份/etc目录,否则只能听天由命了(我自己就是听天由命的 ),但是出了问题概不负责。You've been warned!

2. 加载9.1的iso
mkdir /slack91
mount -o loop slackware-9.1-install-d1.iso /slack91

3. 转到单用户模式
telinit 1

4. 升级 glibc库文件
upgradepkg /slack91/slackware/a/glibc-solibs-*.tgz

5. 升级软件包管理工具
upgradepkg /slack91/slackware/a/pkgtools-*.tgz

6. 安装sed,是软件包管理工具所需要的
installpkg /slack91/slackware/a/sed-*.tgz

7. 升级其余软件包以及安装新的软件包
upgradepkg --install-new /slack91/slackware/*/*.tgz

8. 确保系统能够重新启动,需要看看/etc/lilo.conf文件里面所指的boot映象(vmlinuz)存在,然后输入lilo命令更新引导程序。必要时用makebootdisk命令制作一张新的引导软盘

9. 重新回到多用户模式
telinit 3

关键的步骤做完了。剩下的就是正确调整 /etc目录下的配置文件、调整所安装的软件这类杂事了,不赘。

 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-15 17:52:41 | 显示全部楼层

Slackware 8.1 to 9.0 Upgrade HOWTO  <>

This document explains how to upgrade from Slackware 8.1 to Slackware 9.0


Before you begin, I would strongly recommend making a backup of your
system, or, if not the entire system, at least the /etc directory.  You
might find that you need to refer to a few things about the upgrade
process is complete. Back it up, or take your chances.

OK, now that everything is safely backed up, let's proceed. :-)

To do this, you'll need the Slackware 9.0 packages.  If these are on a CD,
create a new directory to mount the CD on so that it doesn't get in the
way during the upgrade:

mkdir /packages
mount /dev/cdrom /packages

The packages don't have to be on a CD-ROM, as an alternative you could
copy the slackware directory (the one with the various package
subdirectories in it, basically the "slackware" directory from the install
CD) to someplace like /root/slackware/.  The important thing is that you
know where the slackware packages directory is.  We'll use /root/slackware
in the following examples.

0.  Put your machine in single-user mode:
    telinit 1

1.  Upgrade your glibc shared libraries.  This is important, or things
    will go haywire during the first part of the upgrade:

    upgradepkg /root/slackware/a/glibc-solibs-*.tgz

2.  Upgrade your package utilities:

    upgradepkg /root/slackware/a/pkgtools-*.tgz

3.  Install sed.  This is used by the package utilities.

    installpkg /root/slackware/a/sed-*.tgz

4.  Upgrade everything else (and install new packages):

    upgradepkg --install-new /root/slackware/*/*.tgz

5.  Make sure your system will boot.  If you use LILO, make sure the
    paths in /etc/lilo.conf point to a valid kernel and then type 'lilo'
    to reinstall LILO.  If you use a bootdisk, you'll need to use
    makebootdisk to make a new bootdisk using the kernel in /boot.

6.  Fix your config files.  Some of the config files in /etc are going to
    need your attention.  You'll find the new incoming config files on
    your system with the ".new" extension.  You may need to fill these in
    with information from your old config files and then move them over.

7.  Return to multi-user mode:
    telinit 3

Finally, you might want to go into /var/log/packages, and take a look at
the package list:

    ls -l | less

You may spot some old, obsolete, or discontinued packages.  If so, you
can remove these using 'removepkg'.

At this point you should be running Slackware 9.0.  :-)

I wish everyone good luck with this!

Patrick Volkerding
发表于 2003-10-15 18:38:30 | 显示全部楼层
不错,不过我还是喜欢clean install
发表于 2003-10-17 21:58:56 | 显示全部楼层
how about slapt-get?
发表于 2003-10-19 15:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
最初由 windrose 发表
Finally, you might want to go into /var/log/packages, and take a look at
the package list:

    ls -l | less

You may spot some old, obsolete, or discontinued packages.  If so, you
can remove these using 'removepkg'.

Patrick Volkerding

for i in /var/log/packages/* ;do  grep -q `basename $i` /FILE_LIST || echo `basename $i`  ; done;

我就是从9.0升级到9.1的,不过升级时,upgradepkg时的removepkg就是有点慢,升级还是比较慢的。如果自己配置改动不是很多,fresh install是最好的选择
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