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GUADEC 2004 将在挪威召开

发表于 2003-11-10 15:14:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


  波士顿,- 2003年11月4日 – 第五届GNOME使用者和开发者欧洲会议将于2004年6月28-30日在挪威的克里斯蒂安桑召开,会议面向开发者、使用GNOME以及开放源码软件商业和政府用户。本次会议将积极讨论关于GNOME的发展方向、桌面用户环境、网络服务器和可移动的互联网设备等议题;并且,会议还将对开放源码软件的开发方向进行深入有益的探讨。

  "在过去的四年中,GUADEC有了惊人的增长;并对承办GNOME会议国家的开放源码软件的发展和实施产生了深远的影响。 " GNOME Foundation的执行官 Timothy Ney表示, "GUADEC把为GNOME工作的人们都汇集在一起,大家共同讨论、展示各自的工作,并勾画未来的发展蓝图。让开发者们和IT的领导者以及政府官员进行更多的信息交流。"

  GUADEC 将于2004年7月28-30日在挪威的克里斯蒂安桑Agder University College召开,会议受到了Grimstad Campus Linux User Group (GLUG),和Agder LUG and Norwegian Unix User Group (NUUG)的支持。众多GNOME专家和IT领导者们将在会上发言。关于会议的详细信息请访问。

  "我们非常荣幸在克里斯蒂安桑将主持召开GUADEC", Agder University College的校长Ernst Håkon Jahr说, "GUADEC将加速我们在教育、商业和政府项目中开放源码软件的进程,增强我们的研发力量。我们期待GUADEC将推动欧洲地区,特别是斯堪的纳维亚地区对开放源码软件的了解。"

  GNOME is a free software project that is developing a complete, easy to use desktop for GNU/Linux (more commonly known as Linux), BSD, Solaris, HP-UX and a variety of other Unix and Unix-like operating systems. The GNOME desktop is used by millions of people around the world. More than 700 computer developers, including over 100 full-time, paid developers, contribute their time and effort to the project.

  About GUADEC
  The GNOME User and Developer Europe Conference (GUADEC) is an annual gathering of GNOME developers, enthusiasts and individual, business, education and government users worldwide. It provides a forum for members of the GNOME project to showcase their work and to discuss the future of GNOME development. Housed in a different European country each year, GUADEC is a catalyst for the future development and direction of GNOME.

  About the GNOME Foundation
  Comprised of hundreds of volunteer developers and industry-leading companies, the GNOME Foundation is an organization committed to supporting the advancement of GNOME. The Foundation provides organizational, financial and legal support to the GNOME project and helps determine its vision and roadmap. GNOME is an entirely free user environment for desktops, networked servers and portable Internet devices. The modern architecture and design of GNOME includes a technically advanced application development platform and a powerful end-user desktop environment. Major leading software industry and computer manufacturers support the GNOME development effort, which is led by a worldwide community of volunteers. More information on GNOME is available at

  About Agder University College
  Agder University College ( is a three campus University College. GUADEC will be held at the brand new Kristiansand campus. The University College offers a wide range of programmes including development aid, Business, Fine arts, Humanities and Natural Sciences, and Information technology from Bachelor to PhD level.
发表于 2003-11-12 03:53:02 | 显示全部楼层
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