发表于 2004-3-12 13:21:40
1. What command will create the quota.user and quota.group files for me?
Choose the best answer:
A. quotacheck -avug
B. quotacheck -cugf
C. quotacheck -rugf
D. repquota -u
E. none of the above
2. How do I immeadiately shut down a Linux system?
Choose the best answer:
A. Turn off the monitor then turn off the CPU.
B. /sbin/stop
C. init 6
D. shutdown -h now
E. None of the above
init 6 = reboot
init 0 = shutdown -h now
3. What port does the Squid proxy server use by default?
Choose the best answer:
A. 80
B. 1080
C. 3028
D. 3128
E. 8080
#grep http_port /etc/squid/squid.conf
4. How can you find out which ports are being used?
Choose the best answer:
A. ifconfig -a
B. netstat -a
C. netstat -rn
D. ports
E. cat /etc/services
ifconfig 是用来看网卡的
netstat -rn 用来看默认路由
5. What file contains the configuration for BIND?
Choose the best answer:
A. /etc/bind.conf
B. /etc/named.conf
C. /etc/dns.conf
D. /var/named/bind.conf
E. /var/named.conf
6. Sendmail is an example of a(n)
Choose the best answer:
E. All of the above
MTA 邮件传输代理
MUA 邮件用户代理
MDA 邮件分发代理
MLA 邮件列表代理
7. Which options to chmod allow read access to all but only allow write and execute access to the owner?
Choose the best answer:
A. chmod 777 filename
B. chmod 700 filename
C. chmod 744 filename
D. chmod 447 filename
E. chmod 775 filename
7 rwx ,6 rw- ,5 r-x ,4 r-- ,3 -wx ,2 -w- ,1 --x
8. What command do you use to edit quotas?
Choose the best answer:
A. quotaconfig
B. editquota
C. quotaconfig
D. edquota
E. quotaeditor
#man 8 edquota
9. Which option can not be specified to a Client using the DHCP protocol?
Choose the best answer:
A. default gateway
B. primary WINS server
C. subnet mask
D. web proxy server
E. IP address
#man dhcpd.conf
10. You want to add a directory to all users paths. What file should you edit to do this?
Choose the best answer:
A. /etc/sysconfig/profile
B. /etc/sysconfig/profile
C. /etc/bashrc
D. /etc/profile
E. /etc/env
/etc/bashrc 不一定会被读到!看看~/.bashrc 就知道
11. What program can be used to test the smb.conf file for errors?
Choose the best answer:
A. mount
B. test
C. samba --checkparm
D. testparm
E. smbfs
#man 1 testparm
12. What does COPS stand for?
Choose the best answer:
A. Company Oriented Password System
B. Computer Oriented Password Security
C. Computer Oracle and Password System
D. Computer Oracle and Points System
E. None of the above
13. You are configuring a Linux DHCP server. You have it setup and working (as Linux clients are getting ip addresses from the DHCP server fine) but some Windows 95 clients are not getting ip addresses properly from your DHCP server. What do you need to do?
Choose the best answer:
A. route add -host dev eth0
B. route add -net dev eth0
C. service dhcp restart
D. touch /var/state/leases
E. Windows 95 is not compatible with a Linux DHCP server.
不清楚,手边也没有Win95 做试验!就不误人子弟了!
14. How can I see what directories are being shared via NFS on a remote host called fileserver?
Choose the best answer:
A. ping fileserver
B. mount -a -t NFS fileserver
C. showmount -e fileserver
D. nfstalk --query fileserver
E. None of the above
15. What file contains the configuration for the Network Time Protocol server?
Choose the best answer:
A. /etc/ntp.conf
B. /etc/xntp.conf
C. /etc/NTP
D. /etc/time.conf
E. /etc/timeserver.conf
16. What does the -N option do for the dhcpcd program?
Choose the best answer:
A. Sets the hostname of the machine to the name provided by DHCP.
B. If the dhcpcd server is already running then it sends it an ALRM signal to get it to renew its lease.
C. Passes the machine name to DHCP as part of the DHCP request.
D. Only tries to get a new ip address if the current one is older than a certain number of hours.
E. None of the above
-n Sends SIGALRM signal to the dhcpcd process that is
currently running which forces dhcpcd to try to
renew the lease. If dhcpcd is not running, the flag
is ignored and dhcpcd follows the normal startup
17. Which files are used to configure TCP Wrappers?
Choose the best answer:
A. /etc/tcpwrapper.conf and /etc/hosts.conf
B. /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny
C. /etc/tcpwrapper.conf and /etc/xinetd.conf
D. /etc/access.conf and /etc/xinetd.conf
E. /etc/tcpwrapper and /etc/access.conf
#man 5 hosts_access
18. What file do you edit to set the default runlevel?
Choose the best answer:
A. /etc/grub.conf
B. /etc/lilo.conf
C. either A or B
D. /etc/inittab
E. /etc/runlevel
不过A,B 也可以设的!
19. If you want to allow X-Windows programs from hostB to run on the display on hostA what would you need to do?
Choose the best answer:
A. run xhost +hostB on hostA.
B. run xhost +hostA on hostB.
C. run xhost + on hostA.
D. run xhost + on hostB.
E. just set the DISPLAY environment variable and it will work.
20. What file would you edit to share out a directory via NFS?
Choose the best answer:
A. /etc/nfsd.conf
B. /etc/nsf
C. /etc/fstab
D. /etc/exports
E. /etc/export.conf
21. You have installed a DHCP server on your Linux machine and edited the configuration file. What else must you do before it will give out ip addresses?
Choose the best answer:
A. reboot
B. Put fixed-addresses in the configuration for each client.
C. service dhcp begin
D. touch /var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases
E. All of the above
Linux dhcpd 的IP分配记帐
22. The PCMCIA card configuration file is read by cardmgr ( at startup time. It defines what resources are available for use by Card Services describes how to load and initialize device drivers and describes specific PCMCIA cards. Where is this file located?
Choose the best answer:
A. /etc/pcmcia/config.opts
B. /etc/sysconfig/pcmcia
C. /etc/config.pcmcia
D. /etc/pcmcia
E. /etc/pcmcia/config
23. What program allows you to acess SMB shares using ftp-like commmands?
Choose the best answer:
A. mount
B. smbftp
C. smbclient
D. smbmount
E. samba
24. Where are source RPMs installed?
Choose the best answer:
A. /usr/src/linux/rpms/
B. /var/src/linux/rpm/
C. /var/rpm/src/
D. /var/linux/rpm/src/
E. /usr/src/redhat/
25. What command allows you to switch from using Gnome to using KDE?
Choose the best answer:
A. Xconfigurator
B. Xsetup
C. Xwindowconfig
D. switchdesk
E. videocfg
25. D
26. What command will map all of the dependencies between modules into a file?
Choose the best answer:
A. modmap
B. depmod -a
C. depmod --rebuild
D. modmap --rebuild
E. modprobe --rebuild
27. You want to compile a new kernel. You have just run "make dep". What should you do next?
Choose the best answer:
A. make bzImage
B. make dep
C. make clean
D. make mrproper
E. make xconfig
make mrproper
cp -p /usr/src/linux2.*.*/configs/kernel-XXXX /usr/src/linux2.*.*/.config
make oldconfig
make menuconfig
make dep
make bzImage
make modules
make modules_install
make install
28. You have just added a new NFS share to the appropriate file. What must you do to activate the share?
Choose the best answer:
A. reboot
B. exportfs -a
C. ndc restart
D. server nfs start
E. mount -A
我一般习惯使用-r 参数
29. How do you enable quotas on a partition in /etc/fstab?
Choose the best answer:
A. Add the enforcequotas option.
B. You don't. Quotas are turned on automatically when you install the quota rpm.
C. Add the quota option.
D. Add the usrquota and grpquota options.
E. You put a 1 in the last column.
/dev/hdaX /home ext3 defaults,usrquota,grpquota 0 0
30. Which installation class will automatically delete all of your DOS partitions?
Choose the best answer:
A. Custom
B. Workstation
C. Laptop
D. Server
E. All of the above
31. What file do I edit to prevent specific users from accessing an ftp server?
Choose the best answer:
A. /etc/hosts.allow
B. /etc/hosts.deny
C. /etc/ftpacess
D. /etc/ftpusers
E. /etc/ftpd.conf
32. What does the -H option do for the dhcpcd program?
Choose the best answer:
A. Sets the hostname of the machine to the name provided by DHCP.
B. Kills any previous version of the dhcpcd program that may be running.
C. Passes the machine name to DHCP as part of the DHCP request.
D. Only tries to get a new ip address if the current one is older than a certain number of hours.
E. None of the above
-H Forces dhcpcd to set hostname of the host to the
hostname option supplied by DHCP server. By
default dhcpcd will NOT set hostname of the host to
the hostname option received from DHCP server.
33. What command will turn off the ftpd service in all runlevels?
Choose the best answer:
A. chkconfig ftpd off
B. rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/*ftpd*
C. chkconfig --levels 12345 ftpd off
D. service ftpd stop
E. service ftpd stop -persistant
如果是vsftpd或proftpd ,选C,不选B) rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/*ftpd*,B 做得太绝!
34. Your IP address is and your subnet mask is You have one ethernet card. You want to set your default gateway to be Which of the following is the correct syntax to accomplish this?
Choose the best answer:
A. route add default eth0
B. route add default gw dev eth0
C. route add default gw eth0
D. route add default gw /dev/eth0
E. route add default gw
35. Where are kernel modules stored assuming you are using kernel version 2.4.16-9?
Choose the best answer:
A. /lib/redhat/modules/2.4.16-9
B. /lib
C. /lib/modules/2.4.16-9
D. /lib/modules
E. /usr/lib/modules/
36. How do you install an RPM?
Choose the best answer:
A. rpm -evh packagename.rpm
B. rpm -ivh packagename.rpm
C. rpm -q packagename.rpm
D. rpm -qa *.rpm
E. rpm -ql *.rpm
36. B
37. What does the following cron entry do?
10 5 * * * /bin/foo
Choose the best answer:
A. runs /bin/foo every 10 minutes 5 days a week
B. runs /bin/foo at 10:05 AM every day
C. runs /bin/foo on the 10th of May every year
D. runs /bin/foo at 5:10 AM every day
E. none of the above
"minute" "hour" "day of month" "month" "day of week"
field allowed values
----- --------------
minute 0-59
hour 0-23
day of month 1-31
month 1-12 (or names, see below)
day of week 0-7 (0 or 7 is Sun, or use names)
38. What command do you use to edit the default grace period for quotas?
Choose the best answer:
A. quotaconfig -g
B. editquota -g
C. quotaconfig -t
D. edquota -t
E. quotaeditor --grace
39. You install Linux and reboot your machine and you see only L instead of the expected LILO. What is wrong?
Choose the best answer:
A. Lilo did not load at all.
B. The first stage boot loader loaded but not the second stage.
C. The descriptor table is corrupt.
D. The second stage boot loader loaded at an incorrect address
E. Nothing is wrong.
40. What command can you enter to find out which rpm contains the /etc/foo file?
Choose the best answer:
A. rpm -qa |grep foo
B. rpm -ql /etc/foo
C. rpm -qlf /etc/foo
D. rpm -q -f /etc/foo
E. man foo
rpm -qf /etc/foo
-l list
-f file
-q query
41. You have just added a new NFS share to the appropriate file. What must you do to activate the share?
Choose the best answer:
A. reboot
B. exportfs -a
C. ndc restart
D. server nfs start
E. mount -A
42. You want to compile a new kernel. You have just run "make xconfig". What should you do next?
Choose the best answer:
A. make bzImage
B. make dep
C. make clean
D. make mrproper
E. make xconfig
43. What directory contains the DNS zone files?
Choose the best answer:
A. /etc/bind/
B. /etc/named/
C. /etc/bind.d
D. /var/named
E. /var/bind.d
44. What file contains the list of terminals that root is allowed to log into?
Choose the best answer:
A. /etc/rooterm.conf
B. /etc/terminals
C. /etc/secure
D. /etc/tty.conf
E. /etc/securetty
PAM 控制的,参看/etc/pam.d/login
45. You have Linux installed on a machine and you use LILO as your boot loader. How do you boot into single user mode?
Choose all correct answers:
A. Wait for the machine to boot up then log in as root. Use the init 2 command.
B. At the LILO prompt use the linux single command.
C. At the LILO prompt use the linux 1 command.
D. At the LILO prompt use the linux command.
E. Linux only supports multi-user mode.
相当于kernel /boot/vmlinuz-* ro root=LABEL=/ 1
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-* ro root=LABEL=/ singale
46. You have created a /home/projectx directory with the owner of projectx and a group of projectx. How can you set its permissions so that all files created in this directory are owned by the projectx group?
Choose the best answer:
A. chown projectx.projextx /home/projectx
B. chgrp projectx /home/projectx
C. chmod 755 /home/projectx
D. chmod g-s /home/projectx
E. chmod g+s /home/projectx
dir setgid 作用是在目录下任何人建的文件,文件的所属组都是目录的所属组。
dir setstky 作用是在目录里,只有root ,目录的拥有者,文件的拥有者才能删除文件。
47. How can you create a file of all your ISA plug and play device settings?
Choose the best answer:
A. pnpdump > isapnp.conf
B. pnpdump -isa > isapnp.conf
C. isadump > isapnp.conf
D. cat /proc/isa
E. isaadmin --dump >isapnp.conf
48. What is the correct syntax to mount an MS DOS formatted floppy disk (do not assume that there is an entry in /etc/fstab)?
Choose the best answer:
A. mount /dev/floppy /mnt/fd0
B. mount -t iso9660 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
C. mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
D. mount -t msdos /dev/floppy /mnt/floppy
E. mdir
49. How can a user set up their own crontab entry?
Choose the best answer:
A. vi ~/.crontab
B. cp /etc/crontab .
C. crontab -v
D. crontab -e
E. cron -edit
50. What is the correct syntax to mount an MS DOS formatted floppy disk (do not assume that there is an entry in /etc/fstab)?
Choose the best answer:
A. mount /dev/floppy /mnt/fd0
B. mount -t iso9660 /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
C. mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
D. mount -t msdos /dev/floppy /mnt/floppy
E. mdir