
楼主 |
发表于 2003-12-26 23:00:44
作者:Stuart Winter <stuart@polplex.co.uk>
这是slackware中的添加用户的一个脚本,感觉写的很好,就帖了上来。想和弟兄们一起学习SHELL。- #!/bin/sh
- ##########################################################################
- # Program: /usr/sbin/adduser
- # Purpose: Interactive front end to /usr/sbin/useradd for Slackware Linux
- # Author: Stuart Winter <stuart@polplex.co.uk>
- # based on the original Slackware adduser by Hrvoje Dogan
- # with modifications by Patrick Volkerding
- # Version: 1.05
- ##########################################################################
- # History #
- ###########
- # v1.05 - 04/01/03
- # * Advise & prevent users from creating logins with '.' characters
- # in the user name.
- # * Made pending account creation info look neater
- # v1.04 - 09/06/02
- # * Catered for shadow-4.0.3's 'useradd' binary that no longer
- # will let you create a user that has any uppercase chars in it
- # This was reported on the userlocal.org forums
- # by 'xcp' - thanks. <sw,pjv>
- # v1.03 - 20/05/02
- # * Support 'broken' (null lines in) /etc/passwd and
- # /etc/group files <sw>
- # * For recycling UIDs (default still 'off'), we now look in
- # /etc/login.defs for the UID_MIN value and use it
- # If not found then default to 1000 <sw>
- # v1.02 - 10/04/02
- # * Fix user-specified UID bug. <pjv>
- # v1.01 - 23/03/02
- # * Match Slackware indenting style, simplify. <pjv>
- # v1.00 - 22/03/02
- # * Created
- #######################################################################
- # Syntax: adduser [<new_user_name>]
- #######################################################################
- # Path to files
- pfile=/etc/passwd
- gfile=/etc/group
- sfile=/etc/shells
- # Paths to binaries
- useradd=/usr/sbin/useradd
- chfn=/usr/bin/chfn
- passwd=/usr/bin/passwd
- chmod=/bin/chmod
- # Defaults
- defhome=/home
- defshell=/bin/bash
- defchmod=711 # home dir permissions - may be preferable to use 701, however.
- # Determine what the minimum UID is (for UID recycling)
- # (we ignore it if it's not at the beginning of the line (i.e. commented out wit
- h #))
- export recycleUIDMIN="$(grep ^UID_MIN /etc/login.defs | awk {'print $2'} 2>/dev/
- null)"
- # If we couldn't find it, set it to the default of 1000
- if [ -z "$recycleUIDMIN" ]; then
- export recycleUIDMIN=1000 # this is the default from /etc/login.defs
- fi
- # This setting enables the 'recycling' of older unused UIDs.
- # When you userdel a user, it removes it from passwd and shadow but it will
- # never get used again unless you specify it expliticly -- useradd just
- # (appears to) looks at the last line in passwd and increments the uid
- # I like the idea of recycling uids but you may have very good reasons not to
- # (old forgotten confidential files still on the system could then be owned by
- # this new user). We'll set this to no because this is what the original
- # adduser shell script did and it's what users expect.
- recycleuids=no
- # Function to read keyboard input.
- # bash1 is broken (even ash will take read -ep!), so we work around
- # it (even though bash1 is no longer supported on Slackware).
- function get_input() {
- local output
- if [ "`echo $BASH_VERSION | cut -b1`" = "1" ]; then
- echo -n "${1} " >&2 ; # fudge for use with bash v1
- read output
- else # this should work with any other /bin/sh
- read -ep "${1} " output
- fi
- echo $output
- }
- # Function to display the account info
- function display () {
- local goose
- goose="$(echo $2 | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)" # lop off the prefixed argument useradd
- needs
- echo -n "$1 "
- # If it's null then display the 'other' information
- if [ -z "$goose" -a ! -z "$3" ]; then
- echo "$3"
- else
- echo "$goose"
- fi
- }
- # Function to check whether groups exist in the /etc/group file
- function check_group () {
- local got_error group
- if [ ! -z "$@" ]; then
- for group in $@ ; do
- local uid_not_named="" uid_not_num=""
- grep -v "$^" $gfile | awk -F: '{print $1}' | grep "^${group}$" >/dev/null 2>
- &1 || uid_not_named=yes
- grep -v "$^" $gfile | awk -F: '{print $3}' | grep "^${group}$" >/dev/null 2>
- &1 || uid_not_num=yes
- if [ ! -z "$uid_not_named" -a ! -z "$uid_not_num" ]; then
- echo "- Group '$group' does not exist"
- got_error=yes
- fi
- done
- fi
- # Return exit code of 1 if at least one of the groups didn't exist
- if [ ! -z "$got_error" ]; then
- return 1
- fi
- }
- #: Read the login name for the new user :#
- #
- # Remember that most Mail Transfer Agents are case independant, so having
- # 'uSer' and 'user' may cause confusion/things to break. Because of this,
- # useradd from shadow-4.0.3 no longer accepts usernames containing uppercase,
- # and we must reject them, too.
- # Set the login variable to the command line param
- echo
- LOGIN="$1"
- needinput=yes
- while [ ! -z $needinput ]; do
- if [ -z "$LOGIN" ]; then
- while [ -z "$LOGIN" ]; do LOGIN="$(get_input "Login name for new user []:")"
- ; done
- fi
- grep "^${LOGIN}:" $pfile >/dev/null 2>&1 # ensure it's not already used
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "- User '$LOGIN' already exists; please choose another"
- unset LOGIN
- elif [ ! "$LOGIN" = "`echo $LOGIN | tr A-Z a-z`" ]; then # useradd does not al
- low uppercase
- echo "- User '$LOGIN' contains illegal characters (uppercase); please choose
- another"
- unset LOGIN
- elif [ ! -z "$( echo $LOGIN | grep '\.' )" ]; then
- echo "- User '$LOGIN' contains illegal characters (period/dot); please choos
- e another"
- unset LOGIN
- else
- unset needinput
- fi
- done
- # Display the user name passed from the shell if it hasn't changed
- if [ "$1" = "$LOGIN" ]; then
- echo "Login name for new user: $LOGIN"
- fi
- #: Get the UID for the user & ensure it's not already in use :#
- #
- # Whilst we _can_ allow users with identical UIDs, it's not a 'good thing' becau
- se
- # when you change password for the uid, it finds the first match in /etc/passwd
- # which isn't necessarily the correct user
- #
- echo
- needinput=yes
- while [ ! -z "$needinput" ]; do
- _UID="$(get_input "User ID ('UID') [ defaults to next available ]:")"
- grep -v "^$" $pfile | awk -F: '{print $3}' | grep "^${_UID}$" >/dev/null 2>&1
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "- That UID is already in use; please choose another"
- elif [ ! -z "$(echo $_UID | egrep [A-Za-z])" ]; then
- echo "- UIDs are numerics only"
- else
- unset needinput
- fi
- done
- # If we were given a UID, then syntax up the variable to pass to useradd
- if [ ! -z "$_UID" ]; then
- U_ID="-u ${_UID}"
- else
- # Will we be recycling UIDs?
- if [ "$recycleuids" = "yes" ]; then
- U_ID="-u $(awk -F: '{uid[$3]=1} END { for (i=ENVIRON["recycleUIDMIN"];i in u
- id;i++);print i}' $pfile)"
- fi
- fi
- #: Get the initial group for the user & ensure it exists :#
- #
- # We check /etc/group for both the text version and the group ID number
- echo
- needinput=yes
- while [ ! -z "$needinput" ]; do
- GID="$(get_input "Initial group [ users ]:")"
- check_group "$GID"
- if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
- echo "- Please choose another"
- else
- unset needinput
- fi
- done
- # Syntax the variable ready for useradd
- if [ -z "$GID" ]; then
- GID="-g users"
- else
- GID="-g ${GID}"
- fi
- #: Get additional groups for the user :#
- #
- echo
- needinput=yes
- while [ ! -z "$needinput" ]; do
- AGID="$(get_input "Additional groups (comma separated) []:")"
- AGID="$(echo "$AGID" | tr -d ' ' | tr , ' ')" ; # fix up for parsing
- if [ ! -z "$AGID" ]; then
- check_group "$AGID" # check all groups at once (treated as N # of params)
- if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
- echo "- Please re-enter the group(s)"
- else
- unset needinput # we found all groups specified
- AGID="-G $(echo "$AGID" | tr ' ' ,)"
- fi
- else
- unset needinput # we don't *have* to have additional groups
- fi
- done
- #: Get the new user's home dir :#
- #
- echo
- needinput=yes
- while [ ! -z "$needinput" ]; do
- HME="$(get_input "Home directory [ ${defhome}/${LOGIN} ]")"
- if [ -z "$HME" ]; then
- HME="${defhome}/${LOGIN}"
- fi
- # Warn the user if the home dir already exists
- if [ -d "$HME" ]; then
- echo "- Warning: '$HME' already exists !"
- getyn="$(get_input " Do you wish to change the home directory path? (Y/n) "
- )"
- if [ "$(echo $getyn | grep -i "n")" ]; then
- unset needinput
- fi
- else
- unset needinput
- fi
- done
- HME="-d ${HME}"
- #: Get the new user's shell :#
- echo
- needinput=yes
- while [ ! -z "$needinput" ]; do
- unset got_error
- SHL="$(get_input "Shell [ ${defshell} ]")"
- if [ -z "$SHL" ]; then
- SHL="${defshell}"
- fi
- # Warn the user if the shell doesn't exist in /etc/shells or as a file
- if [ -z "$(grep "^${SHL}$" $sfile)" ]; then
- echo "- Warning: ${SHL} is not in ${sfile} (potential problem using FTP)"
- got_error=yes
- fi
- if [ ! -f "$SHL" ]; then
- echo "- Warning: ${SHL} does not exist as a file"
- got_error=yes
- fi
- if [ ! -z "$got_error" ]; then
- getyn="$(get_input " Do you wish to change the shell? (Y/n) ")"
- if [ "$(echo $getyn | grep -i "n")" ]; then
- unset needinput
- fi
- else
- unset needinput
- fi
- done
- SHL="-s ${SHL}"
- #: Get the expiry date :#
- echo
- needinput=yes
- while [ ! -z "$needinput" ]; do
- EXP="$(get_input "Expiry date (YYYY-MM-DD) []:")"
- if [ ! -z "$EXP" ]; then
- # Check to see whether the expiry date is in the valid format
- if [ -z "$(echo "$EXP" | grep "^[[:digit:]]\{4\}[-]\?[[:digit:]]\{2\}[-]\?[[
- :digit:]]\{2\}$")" ]; then
- echo "- That is not a valid expiration date"
- else
- unset needinput
- EXP="-e ${EXP}"
- fi
- else
- unset needinput
- fi
- done
- # Display the info about the new impending account
- echo
- echo "New account will be created as follows:"
- echo
- echo "---------------------------------------"
- display "Login name.......: " "$LOGIN"
- display "UID..............: " "$_UID" "[ Next available ]"
- display "Initial group....: " "$GID"
- display "Additional groups: " "$AGID" "[ None ]"
- display "Home directory...: " "$HME"
- display "Shell............: " "$SHL"
- display "Expiry date......: " "$EXP" "[ Never ]"
- echo
- echo "This is it... if you want to bail out, hit Control-C. Otherwise, press"
- echo "ENTER to go ahead and make the account."
- read junk
- echo
- echo "Creating new account..."
- echo
- echo
- # Add the account to the system
- CMD="$useradd "$HME" -m "$EXP" "$U_ID" "$GID" "$AGID" "$SHL" "$LOGIN""
- $CMD
- if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
- echo "- Error running useradd command -- account not created!"
- echo "(cmd: $CMD)"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Set the finger information
- $chfn "$LOGIN"
- if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
- echo "- Warning: an error occurred while setting finger information"
- fi
- # Set a password
- $passwd "$LOGIN"
- if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then
- echo "* WARNING: An error occured while setting the password for"
- echo " this account. Please manually investigate this *"
- exit 1
- fi
- # If it was created (it should have been!), set the permissions for that user's
- dir
- HME="$(echo "$HME" | awk '{print $2}')" # We have to remove the -g prefix
- if [ -d "$HME" ]; then
- $chmod $defchmod "$HME"
- fi
- echo
- echo
- echo "Account setup complete."
- exit 0
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